What foods are high in protein

We are what we eat, and in the most literal sense of the word. It is very important that we eat and how diverse our food. A person cannot live without fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and especially proteins.

What is protein, its value and benefits to the body

Protein is one of the vital nutrients. It is necessary not only for athletes and bodybuilders, but also for people far from sports. What tasks does the protein perform?

  • involved in the synthesis of hormones;
  • participates in blood formation;
  • is a vehicle for many vitamins and minerals;
  • participates in the synthesis of essential amino acids and hormones;
  • supports brain function;
  • necessary for the breeding process.

It is also a building material for our body, which is necessary for the ongoing process of the formation of new cells. When sports are actively increasing muscle mass, which for the most part consists of proteins, so athletes need more proteins.

Low levels of protein lead to many diseases and irreversible effects. Each cell of the human body consists of protein, which is why the benefit of protein cannot be overestimated.

The daily need for protein, the symptoms of its lack

The daily need of a person depends on his occupation and weight. Scientists have calculated that the required amount of protein for a person who observes the average rhythm of life per 1 kg of weight from 0.8 to 1 g per day. With loads, this figure increases slightly. For example, if a girl weighs 60 kg, she needs to consume at least 48 g of protein per day.

To calculate the exact amount of protein required by a person, you can use this formula: the required number of calories / 4 * 0.25. This amount is suitable for those who are satisfied with their weight and wants to continue to stay in it, but adhering to a healthy diet.

Not all proteins are the same. Animal proteins, unlike plant proteins, contain amino acids that the body does not synthesize and there is no other place to get them. The cunning of vegetarianism is that it’s very difficult to formulate a diet for a vegetarian without harm to health.

Prolonged exclusion of animal proteins from the diet leads to a decrease in mental abilities, depletion.

This is especially dangerous for the developing child's body, it can lead to cessation of growth and development, which is necessary for vegetarian parents to know.

Athletes who cannot get the right amount of protein often resort to synthetic products, such as protein isolate. Ordinary people should not abuse them after all this sports nutrition.

The signs that a person consumes an insufficient amount of protein are the following:

  1. Reduced regeneration, heals wounds for a long time, without proper protein levels, hemoglobin decreases and blood clotting decreases;
  2. The vessels become brittle, with strong pressure bruises are formed;
  3. Hair and nails become brittle, hair noticeably thin;
  4. The skin becomes dry, flabby, pale, rashes may appear;
  5. A person who is usually cheerful becomes irritable, depressed and whiny, due to hormonal disturbances;
  6. First, the limbs and face swell, and then the whole body;
  7. Weight loss;
  8. Emaciated form: sunken cheeks, circles under the eyes;
  9. Problems with the work of the internal organs;
  10. Impairment of well-being: headaches, lethargy, apathy.

If at least one of the symptoms is observed, then it is worth counting how many grams of protein is consumed per day. Symptoms appear since the harmless, manifesting gradually, not immediately the picture is so terrible.

Some occur only with prolonged lack of protein. Such symptoms may indicate diseases not related to this, therefore, it will be useful to visit a doctor and complete a complete blood count.

What foods contain protein: list

Products containing proteins, the most expensive and nutritious, they are not so many, unlike those that contain fats and carbohydrates.

Proteins are divided into two large groups of origin: animal and vegetable. Animals are meat, dairy products and eggs.


  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • turkey meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • Fish and seafood.

Milk and eggs:

  • eggs and quail eggs;
  • milk;
  • cheeses, especially low-fat varieties;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese.

Vegetable proteins include cereals, nuts and legumes:

  • soybean;
  • chickpeas;
  • peanut;
  • hazelnut;
  • almond;
  • buckwheat;
  • pearl barley;
  • millet;
  • rice;
  • pasta.

These, of course, are not all foods containing proteins, but only the most popular ones.

What foods contain a lot of protein and what are the largest

It is most difficult to collect a daily dose of protein, without overdoing with carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, it is very useful to know which products contain it as much as possible. This will help the table. The champions in protein content are the following products:

The product's nameProtein content per 100 g
turkey (breast)19
chicken egg white11
chicken egg13
pink salmon23
tuna (baked in its own juice)21
cottage cheese 5%17
Edam cheese24
Oltermani cheese 9%31
chickpeas (dry)19
soy (dry)35

Fish, meat and seafood are boiled, except for tuna. Studies have shown that protein is best absorbed from dairy products from about 19 to 21 pm.

Eggs are second in digestibility, fish and seafood in third, beef and poultry in fourth, and only then cereals.

Eggs should not be consumed much, the maximum is the yolk of 1 egg and the protein of 3 eggs per day. On the whole, nutrition should be varied, it is better to combine all types of protein. Indeed, in addition to the main nutrients, the body needs vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Norm and excess of protein in the body, harm from protein foods

Despite the fact that protein is so important, it is impossible to overdo it. Especially those who have chronic diseases. This mistake is often made by people who go on a diet, they exclude from the diet to the maximum fats and carbohydrates and replace them with proteins.

Particularly dangerous in this regard, animal proteins. What does it threaten with?

If there is more protein than necessary, an enormous load is created on the organs of the excretory system and the liver. Unused protein becomes toxic to the body, synthesizing ammonia.

Therefore, the main symptom of this overdose is the smell of acetone from the mouth. The excretory system attempts to detoxify the body by expending more water than usual, dehydration occurs, important minerals are washed out.

Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the level of glycogen in the blood decreases, the cognitive abilities of the person suffer, and he gets tired quickly. Due to the lack of energy and a sufficient level of water in the body, a person may lose consciousness, experience wild headaches.

In the presence of strong physical exertion, the consequences are aggravated, as there is a huge consumption of fluid in the body. If this continues for a long time, then calcium is washed out of the bones so that even a young man develops osteoporosis.

Which leads to the fact that at the slightest drop a bone fracture is possible. The very last stage can be a severe metabolic disorder - ketoacidosis.

If a person is actively involved in sports, then it is necessary to increase the amount of protein consumed, but not more than one and a half grams per day to the usual dose.

And the consumption of protein foods divided into an equal number of meals, not eating it at once.

Slimming Protein Nutrition Diet

In order to lose weight, you can do only one thing: cut calories. In this case, the weight will fall, but not only due to fat, but even due to the muscles and internal organs, even the brain will decrease.

Nutritionists are studying how to lose weight only by reducing the fat layer. Then the body will be beautiful, and health will not suffer. To do this, do the following:

  1. Calculate your calorie intake with the exact ratio of fat, protein and carbohydrates;
  2. Go to the mode of reducing calories by calculating the minimum required number of calories per day;
  3. To minimize the intake of carbohydrates and fats, but in no case should one go below this minimum;
  4. Increase protein intake to the maximum possible.

Counting with grams per 1 kg of weight is not suitable for people with excess weight, because due to the extra weight that gives fat, and not the body itself, the amount of protein will be transcendental. In this case, it is better to resort to counting the amount of protein in percent.

As a percentage of the minimum number of calories. The golden ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is 20/30/50. You can maximize the percentage of protein to 25% of the diet, while cutting back on carbohydrates or fats.

Best of all, a high protein diet works in conjunction with exercise. Since during their growth muscles consume a lot of energy, which, with minimal consumption of fat, is drawn from fat reserves.

But it is very important that the amount of protein per 1 kg of weight can not exceed 3 g, even with the most exhausting workouts.

Here are some more tips from nutritionists:

  1. Eating food is important fractional, a maximum of 24 g of protein per day is absorbed, and then not always, it depends on many nuances, it is recommended to eat every 2-3 hours, but in a handful;
  2. Fish, seafood, eggs and ground beef are best absorbed;
  3. Vegetable proteins are considered in the diet along with animals, but they do not contain all the necessary amino acids;
  4. In any diet, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of pure water, other drinks do not count, and drinking coffee, on the contrary, increases the need for liquid, but does not fill it;
  5. On the package with cereals always indicate the weight of the dry product, and in restaurants next to the menu - the finished product.

At first it may seem difficult, but it will not always be so. It is most convenient to conduct calculations using automated calorie counters and BZHU and electronic scales, over time, all the information will be stored and the calculation will be brought to automatism. That is, at one glance at the product, it will be clear how much it weighs and how much protein it contains.

For more information on protein foods, see the following video.

Watch the video: Healthy Food Advice : High Protein Foods to Eat (May 2024).