How to remove fat from the abdomen and sides?

A taut belly and beautiful waist still remains the dream of many women and men. To remove the extra pounds that have suddenly appeared, you need to remember about exercise and proper nutrition.

Why is fat growing?

There are the following prerequisites for the appearance of fat deposits on the sides and abdomen. These include:

  • problems with metabolism, which usually lead to disruption of the endocrine system;
  • sedentary lifestyle, in which those extra pounds are burned in a minimum amount, are deposited on the muscles;
  • improper diet, in which the body receives some substances excessively, others - not enough.
  • the onset of menopause, which stops or slows down the production of hormones responsible for metabolism.

In addition, constant stress, sleep problems often lead to the appearance of fat deposits. This also happens with problems with the nervous system, which are related to the metabolism in the body.

The most effective exercises for women

When you visit the gym, you will definitely have a personal instructor who will develop a suitable program to eliminate problem areas on the body. However, at home to perform workouts will need to be alone, because it is so important to understand which exercises will help remove fat from the abdomen and sides.

The most popular tool is the hoop, because when it is used, not only the muscles of the waist and abdomen, but also the pelvis work, which allows you to get rid of fat on the gluteus muscles. Another effective exercise is twisting, and in order for the result to come faster, you cannot do without dumbbells. During the rotation, try to do so that the legs and pelvis do not move, this will provide a qualitative load on the muscles.

Press exercises will also help. However, due to the load on the heart, it is necessary to begin training with a maximum of 50 movements, gradually increasing their number.

An important point: getting rid of extra pounds is impossible without enough oxygen, so you need to remember about proper breathing.

After childbirth

After giving birth, many women have to think about returning their weight back to normal, however, there are several important nuances here:

  • the first time, to remove the stomach, sides, you should use a special bandage;
  • you can start classes no sooner than 100 days after delivery.

The following workouts will do:

  1. It is better to begin with simple bends in different directions with simultaneous raising of the legs and keeping them on weight.
  2. Put your legs shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips and from this position crouch on an imaginary chair. Try to stand still in this position for 5-10 seconds, return to the starting position. During the workout, try to pull in the stomach.
  3. When walking with a child, you can also just draw the stomach in: first, for a short time, and then gradually increase it.
  4. When performing exercises at home, it is better to use hula hoop, a hoop, although the effect will be noticeable only in the case of daily half-hour workouts.

Basic exercises for men

To workout were effective, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • first you need to normalize the work of the intestine, clean it from toxins;
  • drink 2 cups of kefir per day;
  • consume more vegetables, fruits;
  • Smoked and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

The most effective method is the use of a set of exercises that must be performed twice a day, with 20 repetitions per several approaches:

  • take the dumbbells and alternately lean in the left and right sides;
  • perform squats, including dumbbells;
  • carry out push ups from the floor.

Can also help:

  1. Running - at least 3 km per day, and you can run both for long distances and for short ones, but for a while.
  2. Exercises on the crossbar, which will involve the abdominal muscles and back.
  3. Jumping rope - at least half an hour a day.

The main complex of occupations for the house

Before any exercises, it is advisable to do a little warm-up and gradually move on to their implementation. For all the exercises below, the starting position will be on your back. Consider them in more detail:

  1. Leave your hands to the side, begin to raise the body, at the same time tightening the legs to the chest, while you need to try to maximally draw in the stomach. Straighten one leg, pull the other to the chest. Repeat 20 times for each leg.
  2. Bend your knees, turning them in one direction, and hands - in the other, with the body should be turned in the opposite direction. It is necessary to repeat 10 times for each side.
  3. Pull your knees up to your chest, spread your arms to the sides, pressing your palms to the floor. Lift the buttocks slightly, leaning to the right side. Knees must be lowered without touching the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  4. Bend your legs at the knees. Turn your knees in one direction, hands in the other. Turn the body in opposite directions. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each side.

Exercises for the gym

If you are going to go to the gym, then the following types of exercises will definitely help you:

  • horizontal bar;
  • opposite twists;
  • twists;
  • side plate.

But also do not forget to use simulators. The most effective when the appearance of fat on the sides and abdomen are:

  1. Rowing machine, at work on which almost all muscle groups are involved. For an hour of classes you can burn more than 500 calories.
  2. Elliptical, which imitates ski lessons. For one workout, you can get rid of 750 calories.
  3. Exercise bike, in which the entire load falls on the buttocks and thighs. And in order to enhance the effect of classes, the pedals need to be rotated while standing.

Recommendations for weight loss without diets

In addition to exercises at home or in the gym, there are other effective methods that will help remove those extra pounds:

  1. Half an hour before breakfast you need to drink 200 ml of warm boiled water, which will allow you to prepare the esophagus, activate the work of the stomach. Due to this, the food will be absorbed faster in the body, it is also possible to avoid an excess of stored fat. For taste you can add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to water.
  2. Try to eat breakfast with a high content of fiber, such as oatmeal. Such products remove excess fluid, create a feeling of fullness, are well absorbed by the body, eliminate toxins. Most of the fiber in bran.
  3. Occasionally clean the body with an enema, this will remove harmful substances. It is best to use brine.
However, the above tips will only give results if you eat normally, sleep for 7-8 hours, and avoid stress.

Power Features

Balanced nutrition is a whole science that must be studied by those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Let's select the main thing:

  • to calculate the daily calorie intake, weight must be multiplied by 25 - for example, a person weighing 60 kg needs at least 1800 kcal per day;
  • choosing products, you should pay attention not only to the caloric content, but also to the content of nutrients. Thus, the daily dose of proteins should be around 20%, fat - 15%, carbohydrates - up to 60%;
  • at least 1.5 liters of water should be drunk per day (this does not include teas, coffee, broths, etc.);
  • you should eat 3-4 times a day in small portions, and in the first half of the day about 70% of all food should be consumed, and the last dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime.

By performing the exercises indicated in the review and not forgetting about proper nutrition, you can quickly get rid of fat on the sides and abdomen.

Watch the video: Helping Men Fight Belly Fat (April 2024).