How to treat trichomoniasis in women

Sexually transmitted diseases are widespread in modern society. Their danger lies in the fact that the clinical picture of most pathologies is hidden during, and subsequently leads to the development of severe complications. Among such pathologies and trichomoniasis. It is important for each person to know not only the symptoms, but also the possible methods of prevention, as well as the consequences.

Disease description

Trichomoniasis is one of the common sexually transmitted diseases. More than half of infections occur due to unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner. The disease is characterized by lesions of the urogenital tract.

The pathogen is represented by the simplest, it belongs to the flagellar. This is one cell that has a complex structure. Pear-shaped, less rounded or oval. In the area of ​​the front end there are several flagella that provide high mobility of the pathogen. Due to the possibility of the formation of pseudopodia movement is provided by the type of amoebas.

Trichomonas can divide within a short time, which characterizes the prevalence of the disease. Due to the presence of proteolytic enzymes on the surface, easy penetration into the mucous membrane occurs. Due to the possibility of sorption of plasma proteins, the pathogen for a long time can not be detected by microscopy.

Outside the human body, the pathogen cannot exist for a long time, since it does not have protective factors. That is why they almost instantly die under the influence of disinfecting factors or direct sunlight.

Possible consequences

One of the most dangerous complications of trichomoniasis is infertility. This happens due to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, the appearance of deformities and pronounced signs of an inflammatory reaction.

The latter can lead to the death of sperm when passing through the affected tissue. It is also possible:

  • the development of chronic inflammatory processes, especially in the area of ​​the external genital organs and urinary system;
  • ascending infection, with the formation of the inflammatory process in the kidneys, internal genitals;
  • decrease in the immune forces of the body, increase the likelihood of other infections.

Causes of trichomoniasis

To determine the cause of infection with trichomoniasis, one should carefully consider all characteristics of the pathogen, especially its life cycle and pathogenicity factors. Among the main reasons should be highlighted:

  1. Penetration of the pathogen during unprotected sexual intercourse. Infection occurs from an infected person who may have absolutely no symptoms of the disease.
  2. Non-compliance with personal hygiene. This may be the use of common objects, such as washcloths, razors, etc., with an infected person.
  3. Use of public baths or visiting public baths and saunas, where proper antiseptic treatment is not observed.

There are groups at risk for trichomoniasis infection, among them:

  • unconventional women;
  • representatives of commercial sex;
  • people who do not use condoms as a method of contraception;
  • people who live in dormitories, communal apartments or large families, where it is possible to break the plumbing or use of personal hygiene items.

First signs and symptoms

In case of trichomoniasis, the lesion is most often observed in the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the urinary system. There are several options for the manifestation of trichomoniasis, depending on the area of ​​damage and the age of the patient.

Trichomonas vaginitis

Characterized by inflammation in the vaginal mucous membranes, manifested in the form of intolerable itching and burning sensation on the labia and in the cavity of the vagina. There are abundant discharge, with a feathery appearance and an unpleasant odor, which some associate with rotten fish. Their color can be from yellow to gray shades.

Mucous membranes turn red, there is a slight swelling. Such manifestations can cause significant discomfort in the genital area, especially during sexual activity. Quite often Trichomonas colpitis can occur in a latent or chronic form, when the symptoms can appear only slightly.

Trichomonas menopausal vaginitis

This disease can occur quite often, due to the fact that during menopause a progressive decrease in the level of female sex hormones begins to occur, which leads to a decrease in the protective forces of the vaginal microbiocenosis. Women may be disturbed by:

  • mucopurulent discharge from the genital tract;
  • itching in the genital area, which can disrupt the integrity of the skin and the appearance of blood.

Trichomonas urethritis

It is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the urethra. The patient is concerned about:

  • itching and burning during urination;
  • mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, which have an unpleasant odor.

Diagnostic features

Initially, to identify or confirm trichomoniasis should consult a specialist. The doctor will clarify the complaints, the time and conditions of their appearance, determine the possible connection of symptoms with sexual contacts, the duration of their manifestation. Of great importance are the data of anamnesis, the number of sexual partners, methods of protection.

Obligatory stage of diagnosis of trichomoniasis is a gynecological examination. The doctor assesses the condition of the external and internal genital organs, discharge from the genital tract, and so on. One of the main diagnostic methods is the taking of swabs from the cervical canal, posterior vaginal fornix and urethra to assess the microflora and identify pathogens. A study is conducted by bacterioscopy or polymerase chain reaction.

Less commonly used is a cultivation method, in which one can determine the number of pathogens, as well as evaluate its sensitivity to drugs.

Currently, the advantage is given to the method of polymerase chain reaction, since in chronic processes it may be difficult to identify the pathogen.

This method is one of the most sensitive and helps to identify the pathogen, even in a single amount.

Treatment regimen for trichomoniasis in women

Treatment of trichomoniasis involves several stages:

  1. Elimination of those factors that could lead to infection. At the time of treatment, it is recommended to completely eliminate sex, if there is a sexual partner, he should be diagnosed for the disease.
  2. The use of drugs with antitrichomonas action.
  3. The use of symptomatic agents.
  4. Restoration of impaired microflora.
  5. Strengthening immunity.

Drug intake

Antitrichomonas agents are used in the local and systemic forms, they should include nitroimidazole derivatives. Among the main schemes should be listed below:

The use of metronidazole in tablet form:

  1. A single application of 2 grams of the drug, i.e. 8 tablets in a dosage of 250 mg.
  2. Double use of 4 tablets Metronidazole at a dosage of 250 mg for a week.
  3. 6-day intake according to the following scheme: 500 mg of the drug are used twice a day, 250 mg three times a day, the next 4 days, Metronidazole is taken in a dosage of 250 mg twice a day.

Tinidazole can be used according to the following schemes:

  1. A single dose of 2 grams of the drug with the content of the active substance per tablet 0.5 mg.
  2. Weekly course of 0.5 mg with double use.

The choice of the scheme of application of systemic means is determined individually by the attending physician.

The use of local remedies for trichomoniasis is preferable, since the therapeutic effect is enhanced and pathological symptoms are eliminated within a short time.

From drugs of local action should be highlighted:

  1. Vaginal suppositories containing ornidazole or its derivatives as the main component. The drug is administered once for 7 days.
  2. Clindamycin based vaginal cream. The drug is used once for 4 days.
  3. Klion-D vaginal tablets or others that are used throughout the week.

As a means of normalizing the microflora, can be used both local and systemic. To local can be attributed candles with lactic acid bacteria, which are used after a course of basic therapy. From systemic means it is possible to use bifidobacteria.

To prevent recurrence or the transition of the disease to the chronic form, immunotherapy is prescribed. For this vaccination is carried out, which activates its own immunity. One of the most common vaccines currently available is SolcoTrichovac. The drug is administered once. In the subsequent it is possible to conduct a second revaccination.

If necessary, you can use other immunocorrective agents. These include candles with Genferon or Cycloferon.

How to treat during pregnancy

For women who have trichomoniasis diagnosed during pregnancy, the selection of therapy is carried out depending on the gestational age. In the first trimester, it is permissible to use only local means, among which it is necessary to single out the main drugs, such as Polygynax or Terzhinan. Before the second month of pregnancy, the use of Betadine candles is permissible.

When trichomoniasis during the second or third trimester of pregnancy may use both local and systemic means. Among the systemic drugs, the use of Metronidazole or Trihopol and Tiberal is permissible.

Mandatory point in the treatment of trichomoniasis is to determine the effectiveness. To this end, a week after the completion of treatment, a repeated study is conducted to identify the pathogen. It is preferable to use the method of polymerase chain reaction.

Women at risk of developing the disease should observe several rules that will be aimed at preventing the appearance of trichomoniasis. The main is the absolute exclusion of casual sex. If it is impossible to exclude such a factor, it is recommended to use barrier methods of contraception, which include a condom, during sexual intercourse.

After unprotected casual intercourse, antiseptic agents should be used. The best method is syringing Miramistin solution, which destroys bacteria. It is also recommended to maintain immunity, for which you need to eat right, normalize your lifestyle, eliminate chronic infections and so on.

Watch the video: trichomonas vaginitis (April 2024).