How to effectively treat sinusitis folk remedies at home

Sinusitis is called inflammation in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. These are certain zones in the structure of the nasal cavity, which are additional "divisions" of the nose. This disease is quite common, it develops in people with weakened immune systems. The most common cause is severe hypothermia, poor ecology, and a concomitant serious infectious disease (flu, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever).

Often this condition is observed in people who have suffered from rhinitis and have not had quality treatment. This leads to changes on the part of the mucous membrane and to its reduced resistance to pathogenic infections. But in any case, the reason is the reproduction of viruses and bacteria that infect the nasal cavity.

Is it possible to completely cure sinusitis with the help of folk remedies?

Sinusitis - quite a serious condition, accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Catarrhal phenomena;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Weakness of the vessels, which sometimes causes bleeding;
  • Increased body temperature (in severe cases and in the acute period);
  • Chills;
  • Malaise;
  • General weakness.

If this disease is not eliminated in a timely manner, it can lead to a chronic form that is more difficult to treat. More often it is possible only to translate the process into a state of remission. Well, if you can achieve durability of the result.

It is important to know that chronic sinusitis is very cunning. It can weakly manifest itself for a long time, but with some disruptions of immunity or with heavy loads, hypothermia give serious and very life-threatening complications. These include meningitis, sepsis.

In no case can not ignore any signs of sinusitis. After all, it is a source of rather aggressive infections that can spread to other organs with blood. Thus, there are often problems with the cardiovascular system, kidneys.

Moreover, the nidus of bacteria in the nasal cavity can provoke such a serious disease as pyelonephritis (a violation of the kidneys). Nasal passages perform an important function, warming and cleaning the air entering the respiratory tract. That is why they have the first "hit". One of the most serious consequences is an abscess of the brain.

Experts do not recommend self-diagnose. Self-treatment is also not welcomed by official medicine, as the wrong approach of an incompetent in the treatment of the patient himself can cause serious complications.

Only an ENT is able to make an accurate diagnosis. This specialist conducts diagnostics, prescribes x-rays, which allows you to get an accurate picture of the inflammatory process.

Only a doctor can tell if there is sinusitis and how severe inflammation is. And only after that can we talk about the presence of such a disease.

Treatment is recommended to be comprehensive. That is, therapy includes drugs prescribed by a doctor, as well as additional folk remedies. It should consist of the following points:

  1. Elimination of an infection that promotes inflammation of the sinuses (most often it is Staphylococcus aureus, viruses, fungi, and other equally aggressive microorganisms);
  2. Reduction of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus;
  3. Enhance immunity (vitamins, good nutrition, immunostimulants).

In the case when the cause of sinusitis lies in the wrong structure of the nose (curvature of the septum), surgical assistance will be required. After surgery, associated with the elimination of the defect, the patient's condition improves. In some cases, a so-called "puncture" is required, which allows you to remove the accumulated pus.

Often the cause of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is exposure to an allergen. To verify this, you will need to pass an allergy test. With the elimination of the stimulus, as a rule, antritis passes. However, it must be remembered that people with weak immunity are more likely to suffer from allergies, so correction of lifestyle and nutrition will be required.

It is not recommended to consult immunomodulators without consulting a doctor. Such tools are used in extreme cases and with extreme caution, since the reaction of the body is unknown.

To cure sinusitis is real at home in full, but subject to a clear diagnosis and prescription of certain drugs. If such a doctor prescribes antibiotics, they should be taken along with herbs and other therapy. Only an integrated approach will give a full guarantee of recovery from this disease.

Treatment of sinusitis most effective folk remedies at home

Despite his deceit, sinusitis will go away if you take all measures to eliminate it. The following activities are quite helpful:

  1. Rinsing the nasal cavity with disinfectant solutions;
  2. Gymnastics for breathing;
  3. Aromatherapy and steam exposure;
  4. Massage of the wings of the nose (certain points);
  5. The use of additional folk remedies (honey, propolis, decoctions of herbs and other means).

The first task is to release the nasal cavity from pus and infection. For this (if the condition is severe, the help of a specialist is required), nasal washing is necessary. In the pharmacy, you can purchase special antiseptic solutions and sprays.

Independently prepare a salt-based washing agent. It is best to use the sea, but in the extreme case, and the usual ordinary cook. For this you will need:

  • A glass of warm water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • Syringe (2 vat).

Salt is dissolved in water, two cubes are filled with a syringe. Carry out the procedure better in the bathroom. Bend over the sink (depending on which nostril the substance will be injected). One nostril is clamped, an agent is injected into the other. Then the solution is quickly spit out through the mouth or it flows out of the other nostrils.

The same will need to be done in relation to the second nasal passage.

It is necessary to carry out such actions with special care so that the liquid does not fall into deeper structures. It should be remembered that the face is part of the skull, so there is a close connection with the ear canals and the brain.

As for the special gymnastics for breathing, the following exercises are very useful in this case:

  1. Raise your head up, take a few short inhalations with your nose, then lower your head (do the same), turn your head to the left (just breathe in), then to the right (also inhale with your nose several times);
  2. Stand straight, raise your arms up, stretch out and take a long breath in with your nose, then lower your arms and exhale through your mouth.

There is a Strelnikova method, which allows for the prevention of respiratory diseases and getting rid of existing diseases associated with them. Exercises allow you to clear the airways from germs, dust, improve their functionality.

With the problem of sinusitis, homeopathy, which is the effect on the body of certain doses of individually selected agents, can also be handled. Also, all that is connected with bee products has a positive effect. Often used for the treatment of the nasal sinuses propolis.

Recipe for antritis with propolis

Such funds will be required:

  • Propolis, insisting on alcohol (twenty percent) - 2 ml;
  • Peach oil - 2 ml.

Propolis is mixed with oil and injected into the nasal cavities. It can be treated in this way for several days, after which a positive result will be obvious. You can perform inhalation procedures. However, it is better to consult with your doctor in advance.

Honey drops from sinusitis

In order to prepare them, you will need:

  • Honey - 4 g;
  • Aloe juice - 4 g;
  • Celandine - 4 y.

All ingredients are mixed. The resulting drops can be used up to five times a day. Each droplet is injected in 3 drops.

If 20 g of honey is dissolved in a hot kettle, inhalation can be carried out. To do this, cover with a cloth and inhale from the spout alternately each nostril. Just drop in the nose drops of sage, lavender, chamomile and St. John's wort.

Folk remedies for the treatment of acute sinusitis in adults

Sinusitis is a disease that cannot be ignored at the very beginning of its manifestation. It may seem like a normal runny nose. However, if he does not pass within two weeks, you need to be alert and suspect it is sinusitis.

The final diagnosis is the ENT. The main treatment is prescribed by a doctor. But you can help yourself with additional folk methods that will increase the effect of therapy and will improve local and general immunity.

First of all, you should exclude any products that may cause allergies. A lifestyle change will be required. The room in which the patient lives must be perfectly clean (as all infections accumulate in the dust), ventilated, warm.

The colder the external environment, the greater the swelling of the mucous. Walking on the street should be moderate, it is better to go only in dry and warm, sunny weather. Regular use of folk remedies will help to cope with the disease and not allow it to acquire the chronic form.

Very useful for sinuses drops containing essential oils. They help fight infection, eliminate inflammation. You can buy drops in a pharmacy or prepare them yourself by mixing pine, eucalyptus, mint oils. The effect will be higher if you add the juice of cyclamen and vervains.

Quickly enough to get rid of antritis help washing the nose with a solution of sea salt. But it is important not to overdo it, as this can lead to overdrying of the mucous membrane. The water temperature at the same time averages 41 degrees.

For a glass of water take no more than 4-5 grams of salt. It is permissible to pour water into the nasal passages with the help of a special sprayer or a thin spout of the kettle. It usually flows from the other nasal passage.

It is useful to use aroma lamps with bactericidal essential oils. You can also drip sea buckthorn oil in the nose. In parallel, you will need enhanced nutrition to fight the body against infection, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, meat.

Be sure to take vitamin C in large doses. It is important to get enough sleep and to establish a sleep and rest regime so that the body can gain strength and cope with the disease.


For two years I have been plagued by sinusitis, until I tried folk remedies with bee products. This is the effect! Now I do not suffer from a cold and I know how to help myself in case of anything.

Andrey, Volgograd

Personally, it helps me a lot when it comes to sinus essence. Now we spend preventive maintenance in the off season with the help of the aroma lamp. Well, bury oil.

Inna, Ryazan

I still think that folk methods are good as an aid. But in no case can one refuse to refuse the treatment prescribed by the doctor. However, I am not against traditional medicine (if the approach is correct and the means are safe for a particular person). In this case, the effect of therapy only doubles.

Valeria (doctor), Moscow

More additional information about the treatment of antritis folk remedies can be found in the following interesting video.

Watch the video: How to Treat a Sinus Infection Naturally (April 2024).