Ways of beautiful table setting at home for any occasion

Seeing at least once a real serving in a restaurant, you probably want to repeat it at home. Or simply there is a holiday and an occasion, but there is no knowledge and skills.

This article will help - it describes the rules and recommendations, as well as step-by-step instructions for serving tables at home. Following these rules, you can make the serving as good as in a restaurant.

General tips on how to properly serve the table

Tables are always served according to a specific scheme, observing the order of laying dishes. This algorithm helps to expose all the dishes smoothly and beautifully. In addition, the previously installed serving items will not interfere with further work.

Table installation

First you need to properly install the table (or tables), check its indestructibility and convenience of location. If there are several tables in a row, forming one long, you need to check the height of the tables (it must match) and, if necessary, adjust it.

Chairs are substituted under the table exactly. They can not be put too closely, guests should be comfortable sitting down and out.


Then cover the tables with ironed tablecloth. It is desirable that the ironed fold should be in the center of the tablecloth - this is an element of solemnity, moreover, it is done in the most expensive and sophisticated restaurants.

You need to check that the edges of the tablecloth hang down evenly from all sides. It is desirable that its dimensions allow it to hang no more than 30 cm from the edge of the table. The tablecloth must not reach the seat of the chair, otherwise the guests will be kneeling.


First, the plates are set on the table. From the edge of the table, they must retreat 2 cm, and everything is on the same line. Plates should be clean, wiped dry, preferably the same for all.


Following the plates on the table laid out cutlery. It is unlikely that someone has a full range of appliances at home: snack bars, canteens, fish, dessert ...

It is good if there are forks and table knives at home (and if you are planning a first course or dessert - tablespoons and teaspoons) in sufficient quantity.

Knives are placed to the right of the plate, forks - to the left. They should lie in line with the plate, at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table, between the device and the plate should be a distance of 0.5 cm (from the edge of the plate, do not push the device under the rim).

If the spoons are also placed, then on the right after the knife lies a tablespoon (the knife is closer to the plate), and on top of the plate is a tea spoon (with the handle to the right, so that it is comfortable to take in the right hand).

All devices also need to wipe dry before laying out on the table.


After the instruments, glass and cups are put on the table. What exactly and which one depends on the drinks served.

General rules on serving state that glass wine glasses should be placed in height, starting from the middle of the plate or the top edge of the knife (the order of height in glasses: a glass for champagne (it is high), a glass for wine (also high, but slightly lower), a glass for juice, a glass for water (usually below that for juice), a glass for brandy, a stack).

Naturally, at home on the table will not be put so many dishes. But with the help of this algorithm, you can arrange all the dishes for growth and focus on what glass to go for.

Regardless of what drinks are served, it is important to put each a separate glass for water. If suddenly he is above what is for juice, they are simply swapped.

A cup with a saucer for tea or coffee drinks is placed after all the glasses. It is also not recommended to install more than three (or four) glass goblets at the same time near one plate.


If it is possible to give each guest a cloth (or a small kitchen towel), then before laying out on the table it is desirable to twist each of them nicely. They should be carefully ironed, do not hang them on the back of a chair.

Twisting into a roller, this napkin should be put on a plate. It is very good if all the napkins are made of white fabric or at least have the same color (if they are colored or patterned, this should be combined with a tablecloth and room decoration).

If there are no cloth napkins, you can put paper on a plate, but in this case, the best option would be to fold the paper napkins nicely and place them in a stand, and put it on the table.

The main purpose of the cloth napkin is to protect the feet and clothing of guests.

They unfold the cloth and put it on their knees, it’s impossible to do this with a paper napkin. Paper napkins are designed for wiping lips and hands, but do not put them under the guests' plates. Those who need them will get them from the delivery.

The number of napkins in the stand depends on the thickness, both napkins and coasters. The thinner the napkins, the more they will be needed, but the smaller the stand, the less they will be needed.

The number of napkins should be such that when folded they do not fall out of the stand when it is moved (for example, if one guest asks the other to give him napkins), but they were easy to reach with one hand. On average, in one stand you need from 9 to 15 wipes of normal size.

The color of napkins is predominantly white, but if others are suitable for the color scheme of the interior, and they are available, they can also be used.

How to fold napkins will be described in the section below.

Spice Kits

It is advisable to put on the table not a salt shaker, but a jar with holes on the lid, from which salt (or pepper) is poured. The amount of bulk product in a jar should occupy of its volume.

Salt is desirable to take the class "Extra", it is easily poured out and does not clog the holes, to the same, less hardens or taken lumps. You can not fall asleep damp salt, it must first be dried.

The same goes for pepper. Other spices are served depending on the menu, but they are not put on the table immediately, but along with the served dish.

Flowers and decorations

There may be a need to put flowers brought by guests into a vase. If it is a small small bouquet, you can put them in a small vase. There is a bottom of the basic rule about the colors on the table - they should not prevent those present from seeing each other. If they are too high, it is better to put them on another table or even on the floor.

Served dishes

Cold snacks can be put on the table before the arrival of guests. Several plates with the same dishes are staggered at different ends of the table. Hot is served when all the guests are already sitting.

These are the basic rules for serving tables. Depending on the holiday and the menu from this list, the necessary items are selected, the extra ones can be skipped. Following this algorithm, you can serve tables for any occasion.

How to fold napkins on the table (paper and cloth)

It is very simple, therefore it is desirable for each hostess to know how beautifully you can decorate the table with napkins.

Cloth napkins are folded like this:

  • A square-shaped napkin folded in half, ironed fold.
  • Then the napkin is twisted to about the middle, turned over to the other side (not twisted side to itself), and it is also twisted.
  • Two rolls should be on top of each other. In this form, a little flattened napkin and put on a plate.

Paper napkins are folded like this:

  • The upper right corner is lowered to the lower left corner, in the place of the fold slightly pressed with fingers, but not ironed.
  • About 10 of these napkins are folded and then placed one on top of the other in such a sequence that the right angle does not move, and the next napkins themselves are slightly turned aside until the top corners of the napkins meet together and the bottom line becomes straight.
  • In this form, a pack of napkins is placed in the stand.

Instructions of table design for various meals

Tables for any meal are arranged according to the algorithm described above. But there are some differences. Below is a beautiful table setting at home on the day step by step.

For breakfast

For breakfast do not put a tablespoon and glass goblets. Leave only a glass for water and a cup with a teaspoon.

Since it is necessary to serve butter for breakfast, a smaller one is placed to the left of the plate (the centers of the plates should lie on one line) at a distance of about 5 cm, and the butter knife (or the one that is available) is placed on it.

For lunch

If wine is planned for lunch, then sides are left for it; if not, then only a glass for water is left. A cup for tea is not placed, the presence of a tablespoon is mandatory. A plate with a butter knife (as for breakfast) is not put.

If there is no salad in front of the first dish, but they will scatter hot from a large pan, then a deep plate is put on top of the usual dish.

For dinner

At dinner glasses are put out of glass, according to the name of alcoholic beverages for each. A table spoon and a tea cup are not needed.

For a romantic dinner, it is advisable to add low flowers and candles, which should stand on the edge of the table, and not in the middle.

For a family dinner without alcohol, only a glass of water is left. A cup and saucer for tea on the table is not placed immediately, but only when serving.

How to arrange a tea ceremony

For the tea ceremony, the presence of a samovar is desirable. Cups with saucers and teaspoons are placed around the samovar, but so that it has easy access. Between the saucer and the cup, it is advisable to put a napkin.

Sugar bowls with spoons in them are placed at different edges of the table.

If guests are not sitting at the table on which the samovar is standing, the tablecloth on the table should hang down to the floor.

Festive table: step by step instructions on serving at home

Table setting at home is carried out as described below.

So, how to set the table for the holiday:

  1. Arrange the tables;
  2. Cover them with tablecloths and align;
  3. Arrange the plates by the number of guests;
  4. Put a fork and a knife for each guest, if necessary, a teaspoon;
  5. To put a glass for wine, for juice and for vodka (if planned);
  6. Fold napkins and put on the table;
  7. Put the sets with spices;
  8. Put flowers in vases, but not high;
  9. If the holiday is themed, you can add the appropriate decorations - but so that they do not interfere with the guests and where to put the dishes.
  10. Arrange salads and cuts;
  11. After the arrival of guests to file hot.

Little table for a children's holiday

When setting up a children's party, only forks are put out of the devices (if the children's age does not allow for putting the forks, then put teaspoons). Glass is not put, only plastic cups.

Cloth napkins do not put, only paper and large quantities. In spices, there is usually no need, flowers will also be superfluous.

From the decorations you can add balloons and various ribbons, but only so that they do not fall into the plates.

Table setting for a wedding at home

The wedding table is served the same way as any holiday, but there are 2 wishes:

  1. Flowers They are not put on the table, usually they are allocated separate places;
  2. Colors. It is desirable that both napkins, and dishes, and all the rest of the design was in white. Other colors are permissible only if they are consistent with the color of the bride's dress and are coordinated with it.

Table setting in pictures at home: photo ideas

A few more ideas on table setting are in the following video.

Watch the video: how to do basic table skirting for birthday table set up or wedding table set up GRACEVI (April 2024).