Fetal development and necessary tests in the 25th week of pregnancy

Yes, you are knocked on the door by the so-called "nesting instinct", which is characterized by a high desire to carefully prepare for the emergence of a new family member in your home. In your free time, you are happy to choose children's furniture, pick up beautiful children's clothes and equip your apartment so that you and the baby are comfortable.

You are entering the 7th lunar month of pregnancy and all you need is to enjoy this period and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Fetal development in the 25th week of pregnancy

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby’s height from head to tailbone is about 20–25 cm (from head to toe will be 28–32 cm), and weight from 550 to 700 grams. In the baby, the proportions of the face to the brain begin to gradually level off.

Face with growth and development of bones (especially jaws) increases. Eyes still remain closed, but a little more and they will open slightly. A lobe begins to form in the lower part of the outer ear.

The brain continues to form neural connections, the brain cortex develops, which is the most developed brain structure in the animal kingdom. As a result, people can think, plan and perceive even the most complex phenomena.

Your baby's body is gradually enveloped in fat, while the skin is still wrinkled and pale. But, thanks to the coming fat and the rapid growth of muscle mass, the child begins to gain weight.

At 25 weeks, vessels also begin to appear under the skin, due to which the skin begins to acquire a pink color. Every day the crumb becomes more and more.

Your baby is very active during this period, although the degree of activity of each baby in the 25th week of pregnancy is different. Some will do 40 movements per hour when others move more than 100 times.

We are talking about average daily rates, and when your child is awake and awake. If your baby is a restless type of children, then there is no need to worry, this does not mean that after birth he will be hyperactive.

Sharp shocks of the baby can be calmed by gently stroking the tummy. However, besides simple movements that a woman feels well, the baby has other activities in her mother's tummy.

His interest is attracted by objects that are understood only by him. For example, the umbilical cord can become a favorite toy, the child grabs it, pulls it and holds it. But moms should not worry about it, since the umbilical cord is shaped in such a way that it can withstand children's activity. By the way, the baby can already compress the handle in the cam.

Twenty-fifth week of pregnancy continues the development of the internal organs of the crumbs, so-called bronchial branches develop in the lungs, which will help the baby to breathe independently after birth. Separate parts of the spinal column are formed that protect the spinal cord, as well as its associated structures.

After the mother eats, the child becomes more active. Elevated blood sugar very quickly goes to the fetus. Try to eat a piece of chocolate, you will notice how the baby begins to push.

A still unborn child is already able to perceive all the sounds around, especially your voice, which calms him down. He quickly becomes accustomed to the repetitive sounds that surround you in everyday life. Other factors also affect it, for example, touch.

The creation and operation of organs and systems on week 25:

  • bones and joints continue to strengthen intensively;
  • baby's heart rate 140-150 beats, it is already heard;
  • the bone marrow is finally developing, which can already fully assume the function of blood formation;
  • bone tissue is formed where potassium is deposited.

Feelings of the future mother

Your growing belly can cause some discomfort. Keep in mind that the weight will continue to increase, so you need to monitor the correct calorie intake so that after birth it is easier to say goodbye to being overweight. As a rule, during pregnancy you should gain about 12-16 kg.

The woman's uterus grows to the size of a soccer ball, ends at about 3 fingers above the navel. As the abdomen grows, the expectant mother may experience frequent back pain, pelvic tightness or cramps in the muscles of the lower limbs. Fetal pressure on other organs causes frequent urination.

But if urination is painful, it may indicate kidney or urinary tract disease.

Dyspnea is also a problem for women. On the 25th week of pregnancy, many women talk about such changes as:

  • slow bowel function, heartburn;
  • frequent constipation;
  • anemia;
  • lower back pain due to the additional load on the spine;
  • dyspnea;
  • discomfort, burning sensation in the anus during the stool;
  • regular pulling sensations in the stomach (usually due to the high activity of the child);
  • reduced ability to produce tears in the eyes.

Appearance is also often subject to changes during pregnancy:

  • the breast becomes juicy and continues to grow (preparing for feeding the newborn);
  • the stomach continues to grow not only forward, but also on the sides;
  • stretch marks appear on the abdomen and chest;
  • veins swell, especially on the legs.

Analyzes and surveys

This week, they usually take a test for glucose tolerance. To carry out such an analysis can be up to 28 weeks of pregnancy. This test helps to determine the level of sugar in the blood of the mother in the first half of the day after a short fast and 2 hours after consuming the glucose solution.

The frequency of disorders of glucose metabolism during pregnancy is relatively high (3-7%). Women over 30, overweight women, and those with diabetes are more at risk.

Most often we are talking about gestational diabetes mellitus, which usually appears only in the second half of pregnancy, then disappears after childbirth.

At the 25th week of pregnancy, you undergo all the usual and necessary examinations by a gynecologist (pressure measurement, passing urine tests, ultrasound, and, if necessary, an internal examination in the chair). On an ultrasound study, you can already see certain parts of the child’s body, find out its weight, size and position in the uterus.

On ultrasound at 25 weeks, the state of the spine is first evaluated. Now you can accurately determine who lives inside - a boy or a girl. The error can only be in some cases.

With ultrasound examination of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid is calculated. If there is a high or low water, the fetus should be carefully examined to prevent undesirable consequences.

Possible hazards at 24, 25, 26 weeks

The main danger in any week of pregnancy is the threat of interruption of its breakdown. If suddenly you notice cramping pain in the lower abdomen, nagging pain in the back or bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Termination of pregnancy on the 24th, 25th, and 26th week would be more appropriately called premature birth, and only in time to orient and seek qualified help, there are every chance of a successful birth and full life of the baby.

Another problem while carrying a child is varicose veins. In this case, it would be advisable to use compression underwear.

Recommendations of specialists

Doctors argue that this period is the best for expectant mothers and they can only enjoy. It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids.

Wear loose-fitting clothing, choose suitable underwear and shoes. Your body now retains fluid, so do not panic if you see a swollen face in the reflection.

Try to do yoga for pregnant women or do daily exercises on a special ball. More often, let your legs rest and do not overdo it with physical activity. If you find bleeding or pain in the lower abdomen, consult a doctor immediately.

Tips and recommendations for expectant mothers on the 25th week:

  • try not to abuse salt;
  • make sure your legs are a little higher than your body at night, place a pillow under your calf;
  • do not dwell all the time in one position;
  • do Kegel exercises, they help keep the pelvic floor muscles in order to prepare them for childbirth;
  • go to bed early, the body must rest, accumulate strength;
  • spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, oxygen is useful for strengthening the body of the mother and child;
  • Finally, have a nice joint photo session with your spouse. Good emotions have a positive effect on the crumbs.

Throughout pregnancy, you must carefully monitor their diet. Expectant mothers need to enrich the diet with enough protein, since it plays an important role in the structure of the muscles and organs of the future baby.

Try to eat only fresh and high-quality products. Forget about sparkling water and juices in the package for a while. Compotes and herbal teas will be much more useful.

With regard to the sex life of the mother, then you should not be embarrassed that the baby is already quite grown up and actively moving. Having sex at this time of pregnancy is possible and necessary, the only thing is to pay attention to your condition and select the correct postures, because some of them will no longer be available to you.

Some more additional information about the 25th week of pregnancy is in this video.

Watch the video: Pregnancy At 25Th Week. The Complete Mother's Guide About 25th Week Of Pregnancy. (April 2024).