How to cure hemorrhoids folk remedies at home

Hemorrhoids are a widespread disease, and often the problem is detected by doctors in the later stages when the disease is neglected. This is due to the fact that the signs develop individually and gradually, forcing a person to postpone medical research.

The use of local funds is ineffective, requires an integrated approach. One of the most effective solutions is traditional medicine. There is no universal remedy, the recipes are selected depending on the type of hemorrhoids, its stage, the sex of the diseased.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are very diverse, but there is the most common series of symptoms, which most likely indicates the development of this particular problem. Here they are.

Persistent discomfort in the anal area. Discomfort:

  • heaviness before bowel movement;
  • tingling at the exit of the masses;
  • feelings of incomplete emptying of the rectum after stool;

Bleeding upon stool. Main manifestations:

  • traces of blood on toilet paper;
  • visible signs of bleeding on stool;
  • flowing blood during bowel movements;

Inflammatory process. Often manifested after pinching or falling out of nodes. Characterized by:

  • constant discomfort;
  • the inability to sit long on a chair;
  • pain in the anal passage when coughing and sneezing.

The following symptoms may also be present:

  • acute pain during defecation. This is one of the most characteristic signs that can also talk about other, but no less serious diseases;
  • knockout This process clearly indicates internal hemorrhoids;
  • itching, a kind of burning sensation in the anus. This trouble occurs due to the release of mucus, which irritates the skin;
  • regular constipation. Most people associate the problem with malnutrition, which is often true. But sometimes such a nuisance occurs due to the inability to normally pass the waste through a passage closed by hemorrhoids.

How can hemorrhoids be treated at home

Many doctors agree that it is quite possible to do with home procedures at the primary stage of hemorrhoid development. Properly selected means will relieve pain and stop the development of the disease. Recommended a set of activities:

Removal of pain and inflammation. To do this, apply the ointment, and for internal hemorrhoids - rectal suppositories. You can use the drugs:

  • levomekol;
  • rootless;
  • Fleming Ointment;
  • candles with natural ingredients (ichthyol, sea buckthorn oil, propolis).

And you can turn to folk wisdom, because the problem is known for a very long time:

  • potatoes. Juice is used for external use, and a carved candle from the root for the internal;
  • butter with honey. When melted, it will be effective when externally exposed, and when solid, when solid;
  • lotions from vegetable oils (tea tree, cocoa, petroleum jelly).

Therapy - in addition to lotions and suppositories, it is necessary to take medications inside in order to normalize micro circulation of blood. Here you can use industrial designs:

  • calcium chloride;
  • Venarus;
  • heparin;
  • proktogivenol and others.

And you can turn to traditional medicine and drink infusions, make baths available, useful herbs:

  • sagebrush;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow

The most effective folk remedies for external hemorrhoids

The method of treatment of hemorrhoids with onion peel is widespread. You can make baths and compresses from it, drink decoction, add other medicinal herbs. But the early stages of the disease respond well to such treatment; with the advanced version, it is better to consult a doctor. Now more.

First recipe

Two handfuls of onion peel (take as much as you like in your palm) are poured with a liter of water and put on the stove. The composition is brought to a boil and continues to be on fire for another 5 minutes. Then the container is removed, the contents cool to 40 degrees, while insisting.

Ready broth is poured into a bowl, commensurate with the size of the fifth point. In the liquid, you must sit down completely and sit until the broth becomes noticeably colder than body temperature.

Such baths can be done until the complete cessation of pain (usually 5 days is enough).

Second recipe

Three handfuls of husk poured two liters of milk. Broth boils for 5 minutes, after which it cools and infused. The bath is held for about 10 minutes. If necessary, the concentration can be increased by reducing the amount of milk to a liter.

The procedure is carried out up to 7 days with a week break.

Third recipe

The healing properties of the husk can be strengthened with medicinal grass (chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, St. John's wort). To do this, take a handful of onion waste and two tablespoons of selected herbs. All this pour a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes.

After cooling, the bath is ready for use, but before pouring the composition into a bowl, it is better to filter it. It is necessary to be in a container with a liquid with a sore spot for 5 to 10 minutes. The procedure can be repeated for a week, while herbs can be changed by selecting the best option for your body.

Simultaneously with the baths you need to prepare tea from the husk and drink it at least three times a day. For this concentrated broth diluted with boiling water (as brewing).

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids folk remedies

Natural ingredients will also help to cope with this type of ailment. But now complex therapy, consisting of candles and tinctures, is necessary. We will analyze in more detail.

Rectal candles:

  • raw potatoes, cut accordingly;
  • twisted aspen leaves;
  • candied honey in plastic, elastic form.

After removing the itching and burning, the use of candles can be stopped. At the same time, broths are taken inside.

Recipe first. Carrot topper

In a liter of boiling water brewed 40 grams of carrot tops. The resulting liquid is taken 3 times a day, 200 grams (cup). A full course of 2 weeks, which must continue, even if the pain has stopped.

The second recipe. A decoction of cucumber lash or nettle

Scourge thoroughly washed and cut as small as possible.

50 grams of the resulting product is poured half a liter of boiling water.

The container with the composition is covered with a lid and wrapped with a towel. So means insisted day.

Reception is carried out on a half glass three times a day, up to 14 days. If the bleeding stopped earlier, then drinking the broth does not have any further meaning.

The third recipe. Horse chestnut

This tool is intended more to overcome the causes of internal hemorrhoids, namely, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

50 grams of the product is finely crushed and filled with half a liter of alcohol. The tincture will be ready in 14 days. Take one tablespoon three times a day for 2 weeks.

How to cure hemorrhoids running folk remedies

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that when running, it is worth to consult a doctor. But folk remedies exist even for such a stage of the disease, this is especially important for pregnant women and young mothers, the use of chemistry for which is extremely undesirable.

The following tools will help:

  1. Vietnamese ointment "Asterisk". Apply to the anus until complete recovery;
  2. Rectal suppository with the following composition:
  • 10 grams of zinc ointment;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 5 drops of mint tincture;

Mode of application:

  1. The composition is thoroughly mixed and left in the freezer so that a thin layer is obtained;
  2. Several slices are cut, left in the anal passage for the night. And so every day until the disappearance of signs of the disease;
  3. Fresh yarrow juice. It is necessary to take a teaspoon daily twenty minutes before meals for 6 months;
  4. Hot decoction of chamomile and black wormwood. Method of preparation and use:
  • a teaspoon of each herb is filled with 150 milliliters of boiling water;
  • decoction infused 20 minutes;
  • the classic enema is still made hot from it;

Features and differences in the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women

The causes of hemorrhoids in men and women differ. The beautiful half of humanity often encounters this problem during pregnancy and after childbirth, while men mostly develop ailment with the help of sedentary work (truckers very often suffer from the disease) and heavy physical exertion associated both with the peculiarity of work and training in the gym.

However, doctors diagnosing hemorrhoids prescribe the same drugs, with the exception of restrictions during pregnancy and lactation. At these intervals, and folk remedies have other specifics, so you should carefully study the contraindications that could harm the child.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

When a child is being born, a special responsibility is imposed on the expectant mother, therefore, when hemorrhoids appear, it is impossible to use any folk remedies; you need to use only those that cannot harm the fetus.

Recipe first. Kalina and mountain ash

Ripe black chokeberry and viburnum berries are ground and poured with sugar. Moreover, the number of both species is the same. Before use, the mixture is diluted with water, with a temperature of 50 degrees and drink 3 times a day for 21 days.

The second recipe. Potatoes

This article has already considered ways to treat hemorrhoids with raw root vegetables. All of them can be used during pregnancy. But there is another application:

  • potatoes rubbed on a fine grater (one large potato);
  • one teaspoon of honey is added;
  • the composition is thoroughly mixed and laid out on gauze, which is tied, turning into a kind of tight bag;
  • superimposed in the place of formation of cones at night until the complete cessation of pain.

Third recipe

The following ingredients are used:

  • 300 grams of dried apricots;
  • 300 grams of raisins;
  • as many prunes;
  • 200 grams of honey.

These components themselves are extremely useful for all processes in the body, and will also be able to get rid of hemorrhoids in a relatively short time. Method of preparation, the order of use:

  • we twist all ingredients, except honey through a meat grinder. For even more homogeneous composition, you can do this twice;
  • mix all the pieces with honey so that you get a single mass;
  • use one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.


As with any other disease, hemorrhoid prevention is based on the principle of excluding the main factors causing the problem. Here's what you need to change in your life, so as not to face this trouble:

  • Lifestyle. Hemorrhoids - the problem of sedentary and people with sedentary work. If you already have to work in the office or constantly in the same position, then every hour you need to get up and walk for a few minutes. It is also better to replace the soft upholstery of the chair with a hard one. It is recommended to make daily walks (from work, to the supermarket after a few stops, and so on);
  • nutrition. Regular diarrhea or constipation is a direct path to the disease. Often the problem is found in lovers of street food, hastily eating (frozen meatballs, dumplings, and the like);
  • chair. Long sitting on the toilet during defecation is extremely harmful, it would be better to repeat the process after a while. It is also detrimental to suppress the urge, to contain them. The best time for a chair is the morning after breakfast, it is quite possible to work out such a habit;
  • hygiene. The worst way to clean the anus is dry toilet paper. Leaking wet wipes are much safer. Also recommended for the prevention of sedentary baths, not a shower;
  • excessive exercise. Most often, hemorrhoids appear after lifting weights.

Be healthy!

Additional information about the treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - in the next video.

Watch the video: Herbal Remedies : Herbal Treatment for External Hemorrhoids (April 2024).