Medicinal properties of Icelandic moss and recipes of folk remedies based on it

Iceland moss is a freaky-looking lichen that grows on the soil or old stumps. In the people you can hear the names of the plant, as a comaster, prickle, Icelandic lobe and tsetrariya. Iceland moss is considered one of the unique plants, and this is due to its healing properties. It is a source of valuable substances that have a positive effect on the entire body.

Habitat and features of growth

Lichen can be seen not only in Iceland, but also in Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. In addition, the plant grows in Russia: the mountains of Altai and the Sayans, as well as in the Far East and Siberia. Lichen grows singly or in groups on well-drained soil and does not tolerate drought. In addition, Iceland moss is characterized by slow growth and quickly dies in a polluted atmosphere.

Characteristic features

Iceland moss is a lichen belonging to the Parmeliyev family. The plant usually grows low and reaches 12-15 cm. The body of the lichen is a thallus, which is attached to the trees and the ground with the help of rhizoid. Thallus can be of a different color, that is, on top it is greenish in color, and the lower parts are light brown.

The branches of the lichen have a curved shape, their width can be 2 cm. The plant can be found on the marshlands, in the tundra, the forest-tundra and pine thickets. Iceland moss prefers to dwell in places with plenty of sunshine.

Chemical composition

Iceland moss is formed by thalli, and it is these parts of the lichen that have a whole set of useful properties.

The plant is considered a source:

  • gum, wax;
  • pigments;
  • fat;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates: lichenina and isolhenin;
  • sugars: galactose and glucose.

However, the greatest benefit of Icelandic moss lies in the fact that it contains usninovaya, lichesterinovaya, protolichesterinovaya, fumaprotsentsentrovaya and other types of lichen acids. They give the plant antibacterial properties, so the lichen is part of many drugs intended for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Usnic acid is considered one of the most powerful antibiotics in Iceland moss, struggling with streptococci, pneumococci and tubercle bacilli. It is for this reason that lichen is used in the treatment of various pathologies of the respiratory organs.

Harvesting and storage

Tsetrariya can be harvested independently, but this should be done in dry weather. The fact is that after the rain the plant becomes rather heavy and it will be problematic to bring it to the place of harvesting. Lichen is hygroscopic and able to absorb too much water. In order to grind Iceland moss, using a conventional meat grinder.

Harvested plant is significantly reduced in volume, but it remains alive. In the event that wet it in water, it becomes bright green in a short time.

To store the crude and not crushed culture is allowed no more than 2-3 years. A peeled plant with broken thalli retains its beneficial properties for a maximum of 1-1.5 years, and chopped moss for 3 months. It is best to store the plant in glass containers in a dark place and ensure that no air enters it.

Therapeutic effect and methods of treatment

Tsetrariya is considered one of the most powerful plants that has a healing effect on the body. For this reason, the use of drugs based on it allows you to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Iceland moss stands out among plants:

  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • enveloping;
  • tonic;
  • expectorant;
  • wound healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • softening;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • immunostimulating effect.

Lichen-based medicines are recommended for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • skin lesions;
  • runny nose;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchopulmonary ailments.

In addition, thanks to the Icelandic moss manages to cope with the pathologies of the urogenital system, oral cavity, stomach. Lichen is effective in the treatment of endocrine disorders, dystrophy and anorexia.

Recipes of traditional medicine

For a long time Icelandic moss has been used in folk medicine as an antiemetic and antitussive. The plant is included in many of the fees that are used to relieve pain in the chest or stomach. Lichen is used for making tea, decoctions, tinctures and tinctures based on alcohol.

Iceland moss tea

In order to improve the digestive process, get rid of pain, flatulence and heartburn, you can make tea from centrariya. For this you need:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials into the container and brew it with a liter of boiling water.
  2. Wrap the mixture and cool to room temperature.
  3. Tea to filter and take in the form of heat for 3 days.

In addition, you can simply brew 5-7 grams of Iceland moss with a glass of boiling water and drink this drink instead of tea. With his help, it is possible to accelerate the recovery of the patient with the flu, cold and other pathologies of the respiratory system.

How to cook a decoction

To prepare the broth, you need 40 grams of Icelandic moss, pour 600 ml of hot water and simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. In this case, the dish should be closed with a lid, after which the agent should be filtered and divided into 3 equal parts. They should be drunk during the day at regular intervals.

The decoction of the lichen is recommended for treatment of gastritis, ulcers, tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. In addition, this tool is considered effective if you want to lose weight and strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to take 50 ml of broth after a meal, and after a while the result will become noticeable.

In identifying a patient with severe and chronic pulmonary pathologies, it is possible to prepare a decoction of milk powder in the milk. For this you need:

  1. Pour 10 grams of plant materials into the dishes and pour cold milk over it.
  2. Put the mixture on the fire in an enamel pot and simmer no more than 5 minutes after boiling.

Cooked decoction in milk should be drained and drunk several times a day.


To prepare an Icelandic moss infusion, 2 teaspoons of the vegetable mixture should be poured with a glass of cold water and over a slow fire bring the resulting mass to a boil. Means to strain and drink 1 cup several times during the day.

For the preparation of infusion tsetrarii can use the second method. To do this, you need to brew 2 teaspoons of the plant with a glass of boiling water and infuse the resulting mixture for at least half an hour. Means to filter and take 10-20 ml several times a day shortly before meals. The treatment course is 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 3-4 days and, if necessary, repeat the reception of funds.

In order to cope with bronchopulmonary diseases, it is recommended to undergo 3 courses of such treatment.


For the preparation of tinctures based on Icelandic moss, 40 grams of plant material must be filled with a glass of 60% alcohol. Insist the resulting mixture for 7 days, then take 10 or 15 drops. Such a drug is recommended to drink with stool disorder, loss of appetite, choking cough and diseases of the digestive system.

Pharmaceutical cough medicine

In a pharmacy, Icelandic moss can be bought in several forms, for example, in the form of syrup, tablets, cream, herbal tea or extract. In addition, you can buy a lichen in dry form, which is allowed to use both externally and internally.

Herbion syrup contains Icelandic moss and has a positive effect on the state of the mucous membrane. Taking this drug can cope with a cough and reduce the negative effect of external stimuli on the body.

Pektolvan extract contains many useful components, one of which is cetraria. With the help of the drug, it is possible to relieve the suffocating dry cough, speed up the liquefaction of the accumulated mucus and improve the general condition of the body during the treatment of various viral infections.

Cetracept contains cetraria, which makes them effective in eliminating coughing episodes. In addition, with their help it is possible to get rid of persistent throat and hoarseness. Medicinal plant has a moisturizing effect on the respiratory tract, reduces the activity of inflammatory processes and the number of harmful bacteria in the body.

Iceland moss is part of the cream, which has a pronounced regenerating effect. Such remedies are recommended for colds, arthritis and skin lesions. Components such as Icelandic moss, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, calendula and lavender, endow it with a powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial action.

Contraindications and precautions

Iceland moss is one of the few folk remedies that has absolutely no contraindications to use. The only limitation is that the patient has an allergic reaction to lichen. In addition, it is not allowed to treat children under 3 years with ceramie.

Watch the video: What Exactly is Iceland Moss, Cetraria Islandica? (April 2024).