How peanuts grow: the basics of growing

Each of us at least once in my life tried a plant like peanuts. Its widespread use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine made peanut a culture of world importance. Daily consumption of 8-10 beans will help you improve your mood and well-being, increase immunity and saturate the body with useful elements.

Is peanuts a nut or a legume?

By origin, peanuts belong to the family of leguminous plants, which has about 70 different species. The word itself is of ancient Greek origin and is translated as "spider".

This name was due to peanut spider patterns, which appear on the pods themselves. In Russia, this plant is often called peanuts. And the thing is that its fruits grow in the soil itself.

An unusual phenomenon is the flowering process, which lasts only about a day. After the fertilization process, the growth of the receptacle is formed. For some time, it lengthens and, together with the ovary, sinks into the soil. Further development and maturation of the fetus takes place there.

Peanuts can bloom from June until early autumn. And from one bush plants can be collected about 40 beans.

Such specificity of growth of this culture is the result of evolution. The fact is that originally peanuts grew in hot climates. And in order to preserve at least some moisture in the fruit, the plant hid them in the soil.

How a peanut grows and where its homeland

So, as we’ve already figured out, peanuts are growing in the form of beans. The root system is under the ground, and the stem stretches to the sun. The pods that appear on the stem after a short period of time, hiding in loose soil and already there is a process of maturation.

Beans have an oblong shape up to 6 cm in length. Inside are from 2 to 4 seeds of the plant.

Homeland peanuts considered hot countries in South America. In Peru, a vase was found, the shape of which resembled the peanut itself, and its ornament was decorated in the form of the fruit of this plant. The history of the origin of this find dates back several centuries, which indicates the significance of culture in those times.

Thanks to the Spanish conquerors, the culture was brought to Europe. The Portuguese introduced her to the people of Africa. A little later, peanuts helped the Chinese overcome their hunger. At the end of the 19th century, the role of the beans was so insignificant that to a greater degree they were considered food of the poor.

And only from the first half of the twentieth century, peanuts were added to various products of production (soap, cosmetics, medicines, drinks, and so on). And in the United States for the cultivation of crops were allocated thousands of hectares of land.

Where does peanuts grow in Russia

Peanuts came to the territory of modern Russia at the end of the 18th century. But for industrial purposes it began to grow only in the Soviet period. For a good crop of legumes, the air temperature should be between +21 and +27 degrees.

At another temperature, the plant slows down its growth and yield is very low.

In the Soviet Union, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, the Krasnodar Territory and the territory of Ukraine were ideal areas for growing beans.

Accordingly, in modern Russia, the cultivation of peanuts also spread to the lands of the European part of the country. In our conditions, you can grow only ordinary peanuts. All other varieties are brought from other countries.

Is it possible to grow yourself and how to do it?

Despite the fact that the countries of South America are the birthplace of peanuts, it can also be grown at home. To do this, you need to be patient and work a little.

  1. In order for the plant to start, you need to plant slightly sprouted seeds. Soak the peanuts in water overnight, adding a few drops of epin to it (a kind of growth stimulator that is widely popular among summer residents). Remember that the seeds must be fresh, not roasted in a pan. Already in the morning there will be the opening of the nuts, and you can see small roots on them.
  2. Before planting peanuts mix in equal proportions of the earth, humus and sand. Received mail should be fairly loose with a small amount of moisture. A large proportion of water may adversely affect the further growth of the seed.
  3. To get a big harvest, pick those peanut varieties that are more adapted to your climatic conditions. Buying them is worth in specialized stores, so much more likely to get high-quality fruit.
  4. It is best to initially plant the seeds in cups or pots, and already sprouted shoots transplanted into open soil. In order for the peanuts to germinate faster, the pots must be covered with a film or glass.
  5. If you plan to grow peanuts in a pot until fully ripe, then pay attention to the fact that it is quite spacious, since the shoots of the plant must be in contact with the ground. After flowering, they burrow into the ground, and there begins to form a fruit.
  6. Peanuts - light-loving plant. Consider this factor when planting seedlings.

Features care and harvest

A peanut is a plant that does not require any global care, but at the same time it is not worth letting it grow. By adhering to some rules, you can get a fairly rich harvest of this crop:

  1. Peanuts do not like a lot of water. It is necessary to water culture with slightly warm water no more than 2 times a month. More water will be needed during the flowering period, then the amount of watering should increase to 3-4. About 2-3 weeks before harvesting, you need to completely stop the flow of water to the plant.
  2. During the entire growth period, the culture can be fed with mineral fertilizers, but this is done no more than 3 times.
  3. Periodically peanuts need to weed, loosen the ground and spud. The first hilling is done 10 days after flowering.
  4. Also do not forget about pest control. Very often the culture is susceptible to attack by aphids, midges or other insects. Use only approved drugs, and you will protect your plants.

The harvesting of peanuts begins in mid-October and, in principle, is somewhat like harvesting potatoes. At home, you can use a fork or a shovel. Dig in a bush and take out the root system with the beans.

They must immediately be cleaned from the ground and thoroughly dried so as not to form mold. Drying fruits can last up to six weeks, it all depends on weather conditions. After this process, you need to separate the beans from the shoots.

Of course, on an industrial scale, no one uses a shovel when collecting a peanut crop. For this there is a specialized technique that pulls bushes from the soil and collects them in a special container.

After harvesting, peanuts require special storage conditions. It does not need to be immediately separated from the skin.

If you have a small amount of fruit, you can put them in a container and put them in the fridge. Its shelf life in such conditions may be about six months.

For large volumes, the culture is stored in a dry dark place. Under these conditions, you need to use it within 3 months. Another storage option is to freeze it. Then the fruits can maintain their quality throughout the year.

What are the benefits of peanuts

The benefits of peanuts are proven for generations. In its composition, it has a high level of proteins (26 grams per 100 grams of beans), as well as 8 essential and 12 essential amino acids.

Peanuts are quite nutritious, their fat content is about 50%. In addition, it contains vitamins A, E, PP and B, as well as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Useful properties of a peanut:

  • Daily consumption affects immunity;
  • Provides indispensable assistance in combating various infections;
  • It improves mood and helps to overcome depression;
  • Vitamin B3, which is contained in the fruit, helps to improve the functioning of the human brain;
  • Phytosterol, which is part of peanuts, gradually slows down and stops the growth of malignant tumors. Regular consumption of the fruits of this plant can be an excellent prevention of intestinal cancer;
  • Improves the body's hormonal balance;
  • Interferes with formation of a gallstone disease.

In addition to many positive qualities, peanuts have several negative ones. The most important point is that the fruits of this culture can cause allergic reactions and sometimes lead to indigestion. Also, they are not desirable for people with joint problems.

In the next video, there are some more tips on how to grow peanuts at home on a windowsill.

Watch the video: Peanuts Grown in a Container From Planting to Harvest. And Some of What I Learned. (April 2024).