Gonorrhea in men: forms and symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment

Gonorrhea - one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in men, is infectious and inflammatory. It affects the urethra, but can also cause conjunctivitis of the eyes, inflammation of the palate, rectum. In our material we will tell about the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Causes, major risk factors

The disease is caused by gonococci - diplococci of the species Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which appear on the surface of cells, spermatozoa. Bacteria can also settle inside cells, leukocytes.

Infection usually occurs as a result of unprotected sex - the possibility of infection with one sexual intercourse with a sick woman is up to 50%. Moreover, the susceptibility to infection increases, if your partner has menstruation. But the contact program for men is not typical.

As a personal prophylaxis, it is imperative to observe hygiene, to avoid unprotected sexual acts.

The main peak of activity falls on the age of active sex life - from 25 to 30 years.

After being ingested, a person produces antibodies to Neisseria gonorrhoeae, but there is no immunity to the disease itself.

The main forms of the disease

Gonococcal infection can manifest itself quite differently. For example, depending on its location, the following forms of gonorrhea can be:

  1. Gonorrheal urethritis, when the urinary system is affected (and can occur with complications).
  2. Ascending, during which affects the upper sections of the urogenital tract (this form is quite rare in men).
  3. Stomatitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
  4. Gonarthritis, in which the musculoskeletal system is affected.

Most often this disease in men manifests itself in the form of urethritis, when the infection begins to spread along the entire length of the urogenital tract, affects the seminal vesicles, testicles, affects the appendages.

If we talk about gonorrhea pharyngitis, etc., then they appear during infection through genital-oral contact, but gonorrheal proctitis is usually recorded in people with gay sex orientation.

Chronic illness, the presence of other infections, incorrect treatment, such as self-prescribing antibiotics, can all cause infertility.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

The clinical picture of the onset of infection depends on where the pathogen is located. For example, if we talk about gonorrheal urethritis, a man may complain of frequent urination, pain and cramps, urine becomes dark and muddy, and discharge appears. With mild illness, many symptoms can go away in just a couple of days.

With this form of pharyngitis is difficult to swallow, sore throat, there is swelling of the mucous tonsils. But gonorrheal proctitis can be almost asymptomatic: there may be a slight itch in the anorectal region, marked discharge.

The incubation period is 3-15 days. If we talk about a mixed infection, this period can last up to a month.

If you do not notice the disease in time and do not begin treatment, gonorrhea flows into the chronic form. During this period, a man may be disturbed by:

  1. The urge to urinate, pain and pain.
  2. Small discharge in the form of mucus.
  3. In the urine may contain exudate filaments.

If during a trip to the doctor such problem as urine spraying is detected, this may indicate that there are adhesions in the urethra.

One of the symptoms is sexual dysfunction.

Diagnosis of the disease

Gonorrhea is diagnosed by either a venereologist or a urologist, and he should have the results of a clinical examination and laboratory tests, anamnesis of the patient. If we talk about the "fresh" infection, which occurs in the lower part of the urogenital system, can be observed:

  1. Hyperemia.
  2. Swelling of the mucosa.
  3. Thickening of the folds.

If a man already has a chronic form of this disease, then urethroscopy is performed: as a result, doctors find congestive hyperemia.

It is important to note that in the last couple of years, gonorrhea usually occurs as a mixed infection, with the result that there are no bright symptoms of this disease.

Therefore, it is impossible to do without bacterioscopy and bakposev. Additionally, the body is diagnosed for the presence of other sexually transmitted infections: syphilis, hepatitis, chlamydia.

Diagnostics using the bacterioscopic method is one of the most effective methods for a fresh infection. The controversial forms of the disease are diagnosed by bakposeva, but in order to obtain a qualitative result, it is necessary to strictly follow the technique for obtaining material.

In the case of a fresh infection, it is also necessary to check the male sexual partners with whom he had sexual intercourse in the last two weeks before the first symptoms appeared. If a man has daughters, they are also prescribed a diagnosis in order to exclude the transmission of infection by household means.

Effective treatment of gonorrhea

The choice of treatment regimen depends both on the duration of the disease and on its form. If we talk about a "fresh" infection, then it is enough to go through one course of antibiotics - usually a single intramuscular injection is enough.

But with a complicated disease requires a longer treatment. In this case, the drugs must be administered every 8-12 hours, depending on the drug (the duration of treatment is a week). Etiotropic treatment should continue for two days after the symptoms disappear.

Moreover, at the time of taking antibiotics, it is necessary to completely abandon sexual relations and alcohol intake, otherwise the treatment regimen will be broken.

The choice of additional drugs depends on the complications. For example, in the case of chronic gonorrhea, you need to take additional local funds. With the defeat of the rectum prescribe microclysters, special candles that stop inflammation.

In some cases, in the treatment of gonorrhea may appoint immunotherapy. Such treatment begins after an acute inflammation passes or before taking antibiotics, if we talk about the acute form of the disease.

In order to control the result of the treatment, it is necessary to pass tests one week after the end of the medication.

There is one "provocative" method of monitoring the effectiveness of treatment - the decision to use this method is purely individual. There are several techniques:

  1. Treatment of the urethra with silver nitrate solution.
  2. Consumption of salty or spicy foods.

What are the predictions and complications

If you start treatment in time and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor, the "fresh" infection passes without complications. But if you do not comply with the chosen treatment regimen or, even worse, self-medicate, this can lead to the fact that the man becomes infertile.

The most well-known complications include:

  • deficiency or inflammation of the testicles;
  • funnikulitis - an inflammation that spreads to the entire deferens tract;
  • periorchitis, which affects the outer shell of the testis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland.

It should be noted that inflammatory processes occurring in the male reproductive system may be accompanied by fever, and the "jerking" pain may indicate an abscess. If you do not want serious complications that gonorrhea can lead to, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms.

Watch the video: How do you know if you have a sexually transmitted infection STI? (May 2024).