What pills quickly help for toothache

Who does not know what toothache is? This symptom is well known to everyone. Her appearance always requires treatment at the dentist. But to relieve pain in a short time, you need to take a pill for a painkiller or an anti-inflammatory agent.

The sequence of actions in case of toothache

What should I do if my teeth are sick? Of course, go to the doctor. But if the pain is overtaken at the wrong time to visit the dentist, you need to do the following:

  1. Clean your teeth from food debris and plaque. At the same time, it is necessary to brush your teeth very carefully, since a strong impact can even more disturb the tooth and increase pain. Therefore, when cleaning it is necessary to abandon electric toothbrushes and brushes with stiff bristles. And it is better to brush your teeth only with the help of rinsing;
  2. Rinse the mouth with a decoction of sage or soda solution. Broth or solution should be warm. If necessary, repeat the rinse after 5-10 minutes;
  3. If the pain did not go away, then take a pill of any suitable pain medicine.

And in any case, as soon as possible, you should seek qualified help. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the pain and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Fast and effective pain pills for toothache

The reason for the appearance of pain in the tooth is one - the nerve that is in the root of the tooth, inflamed. Various diseases can lead to this:

  1. Caries;
  2. Pulpitis;
  3. Periodontitis;
  4. Granuloma;
  5. Root cyst;
  6. Pericoronite and others.

Any of these diseases should be treated. Then it is possible not only to save the tooth, but to avoid complications, which are usually associated with the spread of the inflamed area and the accumulation of pus inside the soft tissues of the gums, cheeks and mouth.

To quickly relieve a tooth before talking to a doctor, you can take 1-2 tablets of any of these medicines:

  1. Ketanov, which is part of the drug korolak, considered the most effective drug for relieving the first symptoms of tooth inflammation and pain reduction. However, even though this medicine is non-hormonal, people over the age of 16 can take it without fear for their health. Also contraindications are pregnancy, kidney failure, heart disease, stomach or intestinal ulcers and many other serious diseases;
  2. Nise, containing the substance nimesulide, belongs to the category of potent drugs - only 1 tablet should be taken, and its effect lasts up to 8 hours. This medicine is often imported, which affects its cost. However, the list of side effects and contraindications to it is more modest. But pregnant women also can not take it;
  3. He took, also known as Spazmalgon, contains three active substances in the composition, which causes its effectiveness and multitasking. After all, apart from pain, Spasmalgon relieves spasms, swelling, redness and fever. In addition, it can be taken during pregnancy (except for the first trimester and the last weeks) and children over 6 years old, which makes this toothache medicine very popular.
But even with acute pain, you can not take more than two tablets at a time, and do it again in less than 4 hours.

What anti-inflammatory tablets help for toothache

Inflammatory processes accompanying diseases of the tooth and gum, manifest themselves not only pain. There may also be symptoms such as:

  • severe swelling of the gums;
  • the appearance of pus in the sinuses and accumulation of pus inside the gums;
  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • fever;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nervousness.

That is, tooth inflammation, in addition to specific acute pain, may have other symptoms associated with any infectious disease. Anti-inflammatory drugs will help fight them:

  1. Medical drug Aktasulid - one of the most popular. Contains the substance - nimesulide, is available in pill form. It has few contraindications and side effects, but it is still prohibited for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and people with diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart failure;
  2. All types of medicine containing ibuprofen: Nurofen, Mig tablets, and many others. These are non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs that can relieve acute symptoms of inflammation as soon as possible. They also have a slight analgesic effect.

Before taking any anti-inflammatory drugs you should definitely get acquainted with the exact list of contraindications and side effects of these drugs.

The best antibiotics that act quickly on tooth inflammation

Antibiotics do not anesthetize. But quickly relieve inflammation of the gums, which is often accompanied by a strong toothache. At the same time antibiotics help speed up the healing process of teeth or gums, remove redness, swelling and fever.

And if without an antibiotic, inflammation will take a very long time, then with it - it will take only a few days to complete healing, and the first positive results will be noticed even after a single dose of the pill. Therefore, in any dental treatment, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

To "dental" antibiotics that can accelerate the healing of a tooth or gum, include:

  1. Lincomycin (in capsules or as a solution for rinsing the mouth);
  2. Clindamycin (analogue of Lincomycin);
  3. Amoxiclav;
  4. Ekotsifol;
  5. Tsiprolet;
  6. Nolitsin;
  7. Tarivid;
  8. Metronidazole (prescribed with another antibiotic).

This is not the whole list of antibiotics that a doctor may prescribe otherwise. The type of antibiotic, its dose and mode of administration depends on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

However, the reception of any of them should not be longer than two weeks. On average, the course of treatment with antibiotics for tooth damage is 5-7 days.

What pills help best of all with a very strong toothache

Acute toothache - a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor. Dental offices provide free first aid to patients with this symptom. However, to endure this pain is not worth it anyway. To eliminate it, you can use serious potent drugs.

  1. Ketanov (Ketorol) - the most powerful and popular medicine to relieve acute toothache;
  2. Nimesulide (and other preparations containing the same substance) is well known as a successful assistant in the fight against pains in the teeth and gums;
  3. Ibuprofen will relieve severe pain. Repeated medication after the first pill can be only after four hours.

The main problem that a patient may face when buying any of these medicines is the requirement of a doctor's prescription. This is especially true of medicines based on the substance Ketorolac. This is due to the serious side effects that are seen in patients who have taken it.

First of all, such drugs should not be taken by people suffering from kidney or liver problems. Heart failure and poor blood clotting are also grounds for not taking strong medications belonging to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

What to do if side effects still manifest? If it is nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, then you should immediately flush the stomach. Then you need to take activated charcoal. Then go to the doctor.

Toothache pills during pregnancy: a list

Most medicines that relieve pain and inflammation of a tooth or gum are contraindicated for pregnant women. Moreover, up to 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, the teeth can be treated in a chair at the dentist. But if it is impossible to do without painkillers at all, it is better to avoid taking pills or capsules, and treat the affected area locally - with the help of rinsing the oral cavity with a solution.

But if you need a toothache pill, then pregnant and lactating women can take:

  1. Paracetamol is considered the safest to take during pregnancy at any time. It does not have a strongly pronounced analgesic substance, but due to the speed of absorption into the blood, it has a fast effect;
  2. Drotaverine, better known under the brand No-shpa, is also allowed during pregnancy. But this medicine should not be carried away.

No matter how safe the analgesic may seem, a pregnant woman in the first three months and the last month and a half of pregnancy should stop taking pain medication. It is better to resort to folk remedies or immediately hold a local treatment of the tooth. However, in the second trimester, medication is less dangerous for the fetus.

How to quickly remove toothache without pills

In addition, that the use of drugs for pain relief is associated with a certain risk of side effects, this should be avoided for another reason. After all, a doctor, starting treatment of a tooth or gum, may not understand the full extent of inflammation, if it does not indicate such an important symptom as pain experienced by the patient.

Therefore, to get rid of unpleasant sensations and at the same time not to prevent further medical treatment, you can use other methods of anesthesia:

  • folk;
  • medication (but without pills).

Traditional methods of treatment of pain in the tooth

Rinsing the mouth with warm liquids (solutions or decoctions) is the most effective treatment for purulent diseases.

  • rinsing with 2% baking soda solution;
  • decoction of wild rose;
  • decoction of turnips;
  • a solution of soda and salt.

Rinsing should be done frequently, with a period of 10-20 minutes. In this case, you need to rinse so that most of the liquid is near the inflamed tooth and gum. It is necessary to continue the procedure for an hour or two - until the pain completely disappears.

Also, a cotton swab dipped in fir oil can be applied to the tooth. This method can help reduce the level of pain, but it is unlikely to relieve it from completely.

A slice of salted pork lard applied to the tooth will also have a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.


It is also possible to treat teeth and gums for pain with the help of other topical medications. As a rule, these are special solutions and gels containing antibiotics. These include Lincomycin and Metrongyl-gel. They not only relieve inflammation and pain, but also have a freezing effect. Therefore, they are often prescribed not only for the treatment of adults, but also for relieving toothache in children.

One way to relieve toothache is in the next video.

Watch the video: Acupressure : Acupressure Points for a Toothache (April 2024).