What is useful figs for the human body, who is contraindicated

Figs - a very valuable plant that has been used for many years. This fruit has found its application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, in the treatment of various diseases at home.

Useful properties of figs

Figs - tree from the genus Ficus, which grows only in the subtropics (Egypt, Crimea, Georgia). This plant has other names, such as fig tree, fig. Fresh fruits of figs can have different colors depending on the variety: yellow, green, blue and even almost black. The height of the tree can reach 13 meters.

But the main advantage is high utility and rich chemical composition. And the fruits of figs are the most useful. They contain fats, proteins, vitamins, trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper), fructose and glucose.

For example, in terms of potassium content, figs are the second fruit after nuts.

Due to this, figs are widely used for medical purposes:

  • coughing up
  • with tachycardia;
  • with anemia;
  • to lower the temperature.

In addition, figs perfectly helps in the presence of kidney stones, has a diuretic effect. Fig leaves contain substances that help to heal wounds quickly.


Dried figs have a mass of healing properties:

  • cleans the intestines;
  • helps in the fight against colds;
  • excellent remedy for bronchial asthma;
  • increases hemoglobin level;
  • helps with an enlarged liver.

In addition, the constant use of the fruit of the fig tree is useful for the nervous system, improves mood, mental activity.

Fresh berries

Fresh berries are also helpful. They are usually consumed with kidney and liver disease. In addition, you can wipe your face with juice of berries for various inflammations, acne. Also, fresh berries help with fungi and rheumatism, thanks to the beneficial properties of the plant found its application in cosmetology.

Benefits for women and men

The benefits of figs for the female body is invaluable. According to scientists, the use of this berry in food has a positive effect on the health of a woman, because it contains large amounts of calcium. So, regularly eating figs, you can forget about the problems with hair and nails, about the discomfort during menstruation - not only reduces pain, but also "extinguishes" nervous flashes.

The benefits of plants are invaluable for men - it positively affects the potency, prevents the development of prostatitis.

To forget about such problems, you need to take a few fruits, pour boiling water on them or soak them in milk. After the solution is infused during the day, you need to take it a few tablespoons 1-2 times a week.

Figs for kids

If children are not allergic to this fruit, it can be safely included in the diet, because figs improves the digestive tract, increases appetite. In addition, the presence of folic acid strengthens the immune system, normalizes the nervous system. Moreover, to cover the daily norm it is enough to give the child literally 1-2 dried figs.

Pregnancy and lactation

Eat "fig" can only be in the absence of contraindications. But with its consumption, you can provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the formation of the fetus.

In addition, the presence of a large amount of iron will prevent the development of anemia, which is often observed during pregnancy.

Fig helps to stimulate lactation, because the berry is useful to use when feeding a baby. The main thing is to be careful when taking it, because consuming a large amount of figs during this period can cause a child to have colic.

Use in cooking and cosmetology

Due to its beneficial properties, figs are widely used both in cooking and in cosmetology.


This fruit is ideal for use in the preparation of various snacks and dishes:

  • dried or fresh fig replaces sweets;
  • dried fruits can be added to compotes, fillings for desserts;
  • unripe berries cannot be eaten fresh, but can be baked with nuts or honey;
  • excellent dessert - ripe figs, seasoned with sour cream;
  • Smakovnitsa served with soft cheese - an excellent snack for a light alcohol.

In addition, figs can be harvested from figs and traditional delicacies: jam, marshmallow, compote. Some craftsmen even learned how to make wine. And properly prepared jam will retain almost all the beneficial properties of the fruit.


The main advantage of figs in cosmetology is the ability to regenerate and moisturize the skin. Therefore, the fruit is used to rejuvenate, eliminate peeling, anti-age wrinkles.

Some useful masks

There is a mass of various masks from this fine national product. Let's look at the most effective ones.

Take one fresh fruit, remove the bones - we need flesh. Pound it so that we have mashed and just put on the face. Wait 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Making such masks just a couple of times a week, you will be pleasantly surprised - clean and rejuvenated skin is guaranteed!

You can also make another mask, for the preparation of which we will need:

  • 3 pcs. figs;
  • 120 grams of oatmeal;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp almond oil.

Cook figs in milk, then add all other ingredients to the container and beat well. We wait until the mask has cooled down a little and in a warm form we apply it on the face for half an hour, after which we wash it off.

For inflamed skin, you will need a different composition of ingredients such as:

  • 2 fresh figs;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tsp peach oil;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10-12 drops of vitamin E;
  • 2 tablespoons of fat cottage cheese.

All thoroughly whisk, apply on face, hands, neck. Keep the mask for about 40 minutes and rinse with warm water. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to carry out procedures three times a week for 2 months.

Major contraindications and harm

Fig is a unique product with a mass of useful properties. But, like any product, it has a number of contraindications. So, figs are not recommended for use by those who suffer:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout

In addition, with caution it should be consumed by women who are in position or feed the baby.

If there are no contraindications - the maximum rate per day should be about 5 pieces.

Several popular recipes for remedies from figs

We have collected some useful recipes for you with this fruit. These include:

  1. Decoction of leaves (take 3 leaves and 500 ml of water). You need to cook them for 15-20 minutes, then strain and regularly drink the resulting solution. It will help lower blood pressure.
  2. Crush 4 leaves of the plant, mix them with sugar to obtain a thick mixture. Take the product along with 200 ml of water three times a day, which will help in the treatment of cirrhosis.
  3. If you have laryngitis, you need to make a syrup: tea boat of crushed dry berries, boil 100 ml of water for 20 minutes, strain, add 1 tsp. honey Drink this mixture twice a day for 2–3 weeks, this helps to reduce the inflammation of the spleen.
  4. To get rid of warts, you can apply on them the juice of the leaves or stems of the plant.
  5. If you suffer from anemia, eat 2-3 fruits soaked in milk in the morning for a month.
  6. Take 0.5 liters of water, add 60 g of dried berries, as much raisins and barley. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add 15 g of licorice root to the mixture. Leave overnight to push. Take 1 teaspoon. This is one of the effective remedies for constipation.
  7. If there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, you should chew 1-2 leaves and rinse your mouth with warm water.
  8. To speed up the treatment of urolithiasis, you need to boil a couple of berries in milk, taking the remedy warm. Duration of treatment - to eliminate stones.

Basic storage methods

To preserve the beneficial properties of figs, it must be properly stored, and much depends on the type of fruit - whether it is dried or fresh. If we talk about fresh fruits, it is worth remembering that it will be able to preserve its properties and not deteriorate only if it is at a temperature of around +3 degrees, that is, the best place is a refrigerator. Shelf life - no more than 4 days.

Moreover, it is desirable to wrap the fruit in the paper so that the fruit does not absorb other odors.

When buying unripe fruits before putting them in the fridge should leave it for a couple of days in a dry and dark room, for example, in the closet or basement until fully ripe. After that, figs need to be moved to the shelf in the fridge.

But dry berries are stored for up to 6 months, the main thing is to choose the right capacity and temperature. Most comfortably, he will feel in the refrigerator and food container. But you should regularly check the condition of the fruit to prevent mold or spoilage.

As you can see, figs are quite a useful and effective remedy not only in cosmetology, but also in the treatment of various diseases.

Watch the video: The Therapeutic Qualities of Figs based on Ayurvedic Principles (April 2024).