First aid at high pressure at home

During the work of the heart, blood flows into the arteries, veins and capillaries. Flowing through the circulatory system, blood with one or another force puts pressure on the elastic walls of blood vessels. From this arises squeezing.

One of the common syndromes, unfortunately, inherent in our time, not only the elderly, is increased blood pressure or hypertension. This disease is present in a huge number of people, and since it proceeds relatively gently, many do not even pay attention to it.

But in fact, hypertension is very dangerous, because it increases the risks of strokes and heart attacks, which arise as a result of sudden increases in blood pressure. Therefore, when there is high pressure, it is necessary to clearly know what to do at home in the first place.

Symptoms with increased pressure

Often it causes absolutely no symptoms. More often, the manifestations of hypertension are simply ignored. However, since the disease can lead to serious consequences, including death, you should list the main symptoms, which, it is better to consult a doctor:

  • pressure in the chest, palpation of the heart;
  • increased anxiety;
  • general weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • noises in the ears;
  • pulsation in the temporal region;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • frequent shortness of breath, severe sweating;
  • redness of the face.

These symptoms are characteristic of many diseases. And yet it will not hurt to go to a doctor once again, because a hypertensive crisis (a sharp jump) can cause serious pathologies of the heart and brain.

It is better not to bring them up, but if unpleasant complications do occur, they can be identified by the following signs:

  • shiver;
  • severe headaches;
  • tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat);
  • frequent urination;
  • dry mouth;
  • with hypertensive crisis often throws into heat;
  • cold hands and feet, especially on the fingers.

In the presence of such symptoms, an appeal to the therapist is recommended.

First aid with improvised means for hypertension

If, after the discovery of symptoms, the problem was confirmed by a tonometer, the pressure can be somewhat reduced by simple improvised means, which are especially effective with minor hypertension. You should not use drugs in this case, since if the pressure did not rise very high, powerful drugs could knock him down too much.

Home Hypertension Treatment Methods

TitleHow to use
apple cider vinegarA decrease of 40 points is achieved by overlaying a hot-water bottle with slightly diluted apple cider vinegar.
herbal tincturesTake two tablespoons of nettle and dried dill (you can seed) and pour 500 ml. milk Then you should bring the composition to a boil, cool, strain and drink. After 10 minutes, the condition should improve. Valerian, motherwort or hawthorn tincture, viburnum, white mistletoe and green tea have the same properties.
vegetable juiceMix equal shares of radish juice, beets and carrots in a glass and add a half-spoon of honey. Such a mixture is taken two to three times a day before meals.
pressure-preventing foodsOne of the causes of hypertension is the lack of potassium in the body. Therefore, both for the prevention of the phenomenon and during the symptoms one should eat foods containing this mineral. These include tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, spinach and lentils. Walnut also reduces hypertension as well as foods rich in calcium: cabbage, dairy products, chicken eggs.

Very often, folk remedies quite cope with the manifestations of the disease. Therefore, it is not necessary in any cases of raising the indicators taken for pills.

All drugs have side effects and have one or another harm to the rest of the body. However, medications help those moments when limited and delayed help of home remedies is not sufficient to improve well-being.

The main groups of drugs for lowering blood pressure

Usually, the syndrome pursues a person for life, therefore, those drugs that can be taken regularly at home are prescribed to relieve symptoms. You should not choose a course of treatment yourself.

Take only the funds prescribed by your doctor. Therefore, the following groups of drugs are presented for reference only.

  1. From hypertension (that is, high blood pressure) diuretics help well: Indapamide, Furosemide and others.
  2. Drugs that block beta-adrenoreceptors, due to the activity of which stress is manifested. This group also reduces myocardial oxygen consumption. Such drugs include Alprenolol, Pindolol, Nadolol.
  3. Verapamil, Amlodipine, Nifedipine and other drugs that block the penetration of calcium ions into the heart muscle and vascular cells through calcium channels. Preparations of this group expand the arteries, thereby reducing hypertension.
  4. The vessels relax and increase their elasticity of the medication of the vasodilator group, for example, papaverine.
  5. ACE inhibitors (Captopril, Losartan, etc.) slow down the breakdown of enzymes responsible for the expansion of blood vessels in the circulatory system.

In normal practice, various drugs of these groups are assigned depending on the results of diagnosis and the characteristics of the patient. Reception begins with small dosages, which are adjusted during further treatment.

Various combinations of drugs are also possible, which, in combination with each other, enhance the positive effect.

Reducing high blood pressure without pills

Procedure nameProcedure
water therapyAn effective way to reduce hypertension in the first place in hypertensive crisis is water. To drain blood to the lower extremities and relieve tension from the heart, you need to steam your legs, while at the same time you attach ice to the back of the head. An even easier way can help: just hold your arms up to your shoulders under cold water.
massageDuring a small attack of hypertension, massage of the temporal region and neck, chest, neck is effective. Exposure to these zones will reduce the symptom. However, in no case should massage be used for hypertensive crises, diabetes mellitus and tumors. It is highly undesirable to carry out the procedure to yourself.
complete calmAny worries and stresses exacerbate the situation, so hypertensive patients are often advised to drive away anxious moods from themselves. To achieve a decline of up to 30 units, it is recommended to relax and, lying in a comfortable posture, hold your breath for 6 seconds.
impact on active pointsAcupuncture is used as a non-drug method. It is possible to moderate the manifested syndrome by massaging the area between the eyebrows. It also helps to gently squeeze the earlobe and hold it with your fingers along the neck to the middle part of the clavicle. Then the movement is repeated in the opposite direction.

Recommendations of doctors with high blood pressure

Hypertension is a very common occurrence. Therefore, it is well studied by modern medicine, which allows doctors to make certain recommendations.

Fighting overweight

A certain reduction in hypertension is possible with weight loss of 3-4 kg, so a proper diet can be a guarantee of good health and lack of seizures.

Proper healthy eating

When hypertension requires a balanced diet, including low-fat varieties of fish and meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of greens, nuts. It should be eaten more beans, beans and lentils.

On the contrary, canned food, junk food (hot dogs, sandwiches, pizza, etc.), foods high in fat, lard, pastries, margarine are contraindicated. It is also necessary to reduce salt intake to one teaspoon without a slide per day. Therefore, as a seasoning it is better to use spices.

Regular exercise

In hypertension, it is very useful to do a charge that lasts from thirty minutes to one hour. However, the load should not be strong.

It is recommended to walk, do simple exercises, stretching, etc. In the course of regular exercises for two to three weeks, it is possible to decrease to 10 points.

Increased pressure requires giving up bad habits

Any alcohol greatly increases the pressure, so the maximum daily intake of alcoholic beverages should not exceed 350 ml. beer, two glasses of wine or one glass of strong alcohol. Smoking also contributes to the aggravation of the syndrome.

Therefore, a complete rejection of this addiction can greatly alleviate your suffering from hypertension.

If it is not possible to finally quit smoking, then at least you should reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day to five. You should also protect yourself from passive smoking.

Calm - the guarantee of normal pressure

Any stress affects hypertension, provoking exacerbations up to sharp jumps. If you are excited, it is important to calm down.

Positive results in hypertension show a variety of relaxing techniques: meditation, breathing exercises, yoga. It does not hurt to seek professional psychological help.

These recommendations, while adhering to them, will be able to guarantee the absence of sudden drops in blood flow, and hypertension will increase much less often and not so much.

Hypertension is a serious syndrome that is very common on our planet. Completely get rid of it is not possible.

However, if you follow simple guidelines, apply home remedies and medications, the symptoms will appear much less often and will not be disturbed so much.

From this article, you also learned how to quickly reduce blood pressure without pills, so if such a situation suddenly develops, you will already know what to do and not get lost. We wish you good health!

In the next video - additional information about reducing pressure at home.

Watch the video: Medical Emergencies & First Aid : An Explanation of Blood Pressure Readings (May 2024).