How to get pregnant with a boy

The birth of a child is always a joy for a strong and loving couple. But it also happens that for some reason the birth of a child of a certain sex will please a little more.

Most often this happens in families that already have one or two children of the opposite sex. Human experience has accumulated on this topic a lot of ways and methods, some from the field of superstitions, some are in doubt, and some are quite scientifically grounded. Below we will talk about how to conceive a boy, we will describe all possible ways.

The scientific approach and the opinion of doctors

Scientists have long conducted research and collect statistics on this topic and they have good material for reflection. For example, it is found out:

  1. Girls are more likely to be born by overweight women, and boys by women with a stable nervous system;
  2. Boys initially conceived and born a little more;
  3. The sex of the baby is determined at the time of fertilization by 100%, although it will be possible to recognize him a little later;
  4. And the sex of the child depends on the type of sperm that fertilizes the egg. If this is the sperm carrier of the X chromosome, then the gender will be female, and if Y is male. But this process itself is controlled exclusively by nature. You can, of course, make some calculations that will make the conditions for one of the chromosomes more favorable, or fertilize a woman artificially, but with ordinary sexual intercourse, science does not give a 100% guarantee that a baby of a certain sex will become pregnant;
  5. The percentage of sperm with Y chromosomes is greater and faster, but their lifespan is shorter. But sperm with X-chromosomes live longer, but move more slowly. Counting systems are based on this knowledge.

How to calculate the sex of the child by the date of conception

If fertilization has already taken place and the date of conception is probably known (it is usually calculated by ultrasound), then using the counting, you can try to determine the sex of the child. For this you need to know the approximate date of your ovulation.

Ovulation is the process of the release of an egg from the ovary and its passage through the fallopian tube on the way to the uterus. At this moment it should be overtaken and fertilized by the sperm, if this does not happen, then it will disintegrate and menstruation will come.

It occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. If conception was on that day and 2 days before or after, then it is likely that this is a boy. If more than 4-5 days farther from ovulation, then most likely a girl.

This method works fine if they attend to at least 3 months before the intended pregnancy. Then you can easily find out with great probability the exact date of ovulation.

If the method seems confused, you can contact the online calculator. You just need to enter the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and he will give the intended sex.

How to conceive a boy naturally

There are several ways to try to plan the sex of the child when conceiving naturally:

  1. Definition of ovulation. You can determine its exact date by measuring the basal temperature for three months and keeping a schedule. During the ovulation period, it increases by about half a degree, and sometimes only by a quarter. Or use tests for ovulation, but it will be a bit costly. We need this exact date to create the most favorable conditions for the desired type of sperm. If for Y-sperm, then you should have sex on the day of ovulation, well, or plus or minus two days. Then the Y-sperm will survive more, and they have an initial advantage - they are faster;
  2. Calendar method. If there is no desire to calculate and measure so accurately, then you can refer to the calendar method. Celebrate the arrival of the month of several months and so calculate your average cycle. And try to actively engage in sex in the middle of the cycle. The most convenient way to calculate the date of your ovulation using an online calculator;
  3. Soda. Another feature of X-spermatozoa is that they do not tolerate an alkaline environment, and Y-spermatozoa, by contrast, feel great in it. This feature can be used for those who wish to conceive a male child. To create an alkaline environment in the uterus, you can use the soda syringe solution. It is made from soda and boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 17;
  4. Diet. You can also create a more alkaline environment by using certain foods. These are fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, honey, millet. But seafood and dairy, on the contrary, will contribute to the conception of the girl;
  5. Pose in making love. Everything is simple, if you want a boy, then you need to choose the posture in which the spermatozoa fall directly into the uterus, bypassing the long journey through the vagina. This poses "cancer" and "girl on top";
  6. Blood update. There is a theory that the sex will be the one that the parent, whose blood at the time of conception was younger. In women, the blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men every 4. Major blood loss, such as childbirth, transfusion is also equal to renewal;
  7. Blood type. There is a table, referring to which, knowing the group and the Rhesus factor of the parents, it is very likely to assume the sex of the child conceived in that or the month. But it is suitable only for couples with the same Rhesus.
Blood typeFather

If the rhesus is different, then you need to take into account this table.

Blood typeFather

None of these results is 100% so you shouldn’t tune yourself up much, you can find advantages in the birth of any child. Girls are very affectionate and emotionally closer to their parents. And the boys are the protectors in the family and will always help their parents in old age.

How to conceive a boy: the Chinese calendar and the Japanese table

There are Asian tables on which you can calculate the month in which you can become pregnant as a boy. Chinese and Japanese. Now they are very fashionable and many have heard of them.

  1. Chinese table. It is based on the Chinese lunar calendar. And takes into account only the age of the woman.
  2. Japanese It consists of two tables. And already taken into account the data of both. The first one calculates the number by months of birth of the future parents.

And in the second this number will already show the chances of boys getting pregnant in specific months.

These tables do not have any scientific evidence; they are just observations. They do not always show the same result, so which one to believe is not entirely clear. It makes sense to try to calculate for several familiar pairs and compile personal statistics, which table was more accurate.

How to get pregnant boy on the lunar calendar

There is another calendar that will help calculate the favorable months for conceiving a male baby lunar. All signs of the zodiac are divided into male and female. Male are: Aquarius, Aries, Twins, Lion, Libra and Archer.

In order to become pregnant as a boy, you just need to know when the moon is in these signs.

You can learn it on the resources devoted to astrology. There are calculators that will easily calculate this.

Folk methods

There are, of course, national signs of how to conceive a boy or a girl. Here are a few similar signs:

  1. To get a boy, a woman must experience the pleasure of sex;
  2. If sexual intercourse takes place at night, then there will be a boy, and if during the day it is a girl;
  3. The sex of the child will depend on who dominates the family. If a man in a family is more domineering and initiative in everything, including in intimate life, then there will be a girl. Powerful women are more likely to have boys;
  4. We need a boy: to have sex only on even days of the month, we need a girl - on odd ones.

At the time of conception to lie head south to the girl, and north to the boy.

There are specific signs of how to get pregnant girl:

  • perform sexual intercourse under a young apple tree;
  • eat a woman before conceiving "female" products (milk, eggs, bread), exclude salt;
  • to conceive at full moon;
  • put a comb and a mirror under the pillow;
  • have sex only in rain and frost.

And if you need a male baby, then these are:

  • put a male tool under the pillow;
  • do not fall asleep immediately after sex;
  • before making love to a man take a cold shower;
  • a woman to eat nourishing "male" products (meat, fish, mushrooms, potatoes, salt).

Perhaps rationally thinking people they seem dubious, but who knows, maybe not lying popular wisdom. Some of them, such as diets and cold showers, even have a scientific basis.

What should a man do to make a boy

And what about a man, if he really wants a heir. What role can he play in this? Its main task is to have motile sperm carrying Y-chromosomes. A couple of tips might help:

  1. It is known that sperm carriers of the male chromosome do not tolerate high temperature very well. Therefore, you should avoid a hot bath, and it is better to take a cool shower. But not cold! From too low a temperature, all sperm cells lose their vitality;
  2. Eat foods rich in sodium (vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs) and avoid foods rich in calcium (dairy);
  3. Often have sex, and in postures in which the head of the penis has maximum contact with the cervix. Abstinence increases the concentration of sperm with a carrier of female chromosomes, as they live longer.

Gender Planning with IVF and Other Procedures

How to conceive a boy 100 percent using IVF? The procedure of artificial insemination is resorted to when it is impossible to conceive a baby in a natural way. This method has a nice bonus: you can find out the sex of the embryo and choose from the fertilized the right one.

For this, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis can be done. Its main task is to select a healthy embryo without pathologies, and the definition of sex is already in progress. With artificial insemination by the method of intracytoplasmic sperm injection, such a diagnosis is necessary and it will be more accurate.

It is unlikely that someone will do IVF specifically just to choose the sex of the child. Unless it is unknown that the parent has a dangerous genetic disease that is transmitted only through the female / male line. Because it is not so simple:

  1. Before fertilization, a woman drinks a loading dose of hormones so that oocytes form more than usual. What will bring the onset of menopause and premature aging;
  2. The cost of fertilization itself is not less than 100 thousand rubles, and the cost of pre-implantation diagnosis is another 70 thousand rubles. average;
  3. This is an intervention in the female body, which includes anesthesia. And no one knows exactly what consequences this particular woman will bring;
  4. The onset of pregnancy is not guaranteed 100%.
The conclusion is: with a stable financial situation and those who are already doing IVF, you can use this diagnostic. But as a way to get pregnant as a boy, this is not a very good idea.

Another clinical method is flow laser sorting. With the help of a laser, sperm cells can be sifted out with an unnecessary chromosome. And with the help of an intracytoplasmic injection, inject it into the egg cell. This method is more successful when planning a girl. To get pregnant with a male fetus a chance will be only 70%.


I'll tell you what: there are no guarantees, all this is nonsense. With my husband, I really wanted a girl, they seemed to follow all the conditions on the tables, the lunar calendar, but a boy was born. We counted later what month we were born, I should have been a boy, and my husband a girl. They laughed heartily. Nothing, accustomed and loved crumb.
I believe that there is no way other than IVF. Yes, not only I think so, it is rather a fact. The method is of course strange, but I know how some mothers could not reconcile with the sex of the child for a very long time. And so we decided on IVF just for the sake of gender selection. You can blame, but from childhood I saw myself only as a girl’s mother and was immensely pleased to hold my princess in my arms.
We used both the first and the second child to use the blood methods of renewal and everything came together. It came together and with friends. Another syringe soda also works. But all the national signs, by blood type and Chinese tables - this is nonsense. In terms of blood type, I don’t understand how to deal with parents of opposite-sex people then?

And 8 more tips to increase the likelihood of the boy's birth - in the next video.

Watch the video: Pregnancy Tips : How to Become Pregnant With Twins Naturally (April 2024).