Ways to remove grease stains from clothes

To put a fat stain on your favorite piece of clothing is a real tragedy for many housewives. Household items are at a special risk zone since many people do not use aprons while cooking.

A simple dropped piece of food can turn into a spoiled thing if the stain is not removed in time. Yes, and after corporate, you can with horror detect a fat spot on the blouse. It is quite difficult to remove grease stains, but perhaps you should just know which substances will help to do this at home.

How to wash white things

White clothes are a symbol of purity, usually white shirts or blouses are worn by many for holidays and special occasions. That is why the fat on it looks particularly disgusting. The easiest way to remove unpleasant stains will be an immediate response.

Fresh fat can be cleaned easily with the most ordinary products, like dishwashing gel. Cleaning things should be done from the wrong side. There are a number of active substances that can quickly and effectively get rid of fatty spots on white things.

Ammonia can only be used on synthetic fabric, so they can not be cleaned with silk and cotton. To get rid of the stain, it is required to dissolve a spoonful of ammonia in a glass of water and moisten a cotton swab in this solution. Pollution should be treated with this swab, and covered with a layer of cotton on top. A section of dirt requires several times to walk with a heated iron.

Tooth powder, soda, baby powder and talc have the same principle of action. You need to pour the tool directly on the stain and put a sheet of tracing paper over it. Warming up with an iron will increase your absorbency.

After this thing you need to leave for 12 hours, it is desirable to pin the tracing paper with several books. After the expiration of the white thing you need to wash in a typewriter.

With paper “blotter”, you can increase the rate of absorption of fat, putting it on both sides. Next, it is required to subject the contamination to heat treatment with an iron. Gradually, the paper is able to absorb all the fat.

Turpentine can also be an excellent absorbent. For cleaning, it is required to stand the area with a stain in turpentine for a couple of hours; it is imperative to sprinkle starch around the fat, which will prevent the appearance of stains. The tool has an unpleasant smell, so after wiping out the stain, the clothes should be washed with a stain remover.

Slight contamination from white clothes can be removed with a cotton swab moistened in saline and common salt. After cleaning the polluted places, be sure to wash the thing.

Oily contaminants on white clothes should be broken down by solvent or alcohol, they do not harm color. Vinegar should never be used, since, having cleaned the dirt, it will simply spoil the white color, making the wardrobe item yellowish.

After cleaning the stain, the clothes must be washed in warm water, and then thoroughly rinsed in almost cold, so that all active substances disappear.

How to wash grease stains on colored clothes

Clothes of bright color are very delicate, it is impossible to use aggressive agents, because it is easy to damage the paint. It is best to use special stain removers, selected in accordance with a particular type of fabric. You can not use hydrogen peroxide to clean colored clothes, because divorces will appear without fail.

The most important agent for cleaning bright clothes from fat is a solution of ammonia, salt and water. It can be used only on those items of clothing that do not fade during washing.

The main stages of purification:

  1. Things need to be cleaned of dust with a damp sponge on the outside and on the wrong side.
  2. Take a small board and wrap it in a piece of white cotton. Put a blotter over it and put the thing in the fat area on the wrong side.
  3. A cotton swab is required to moisten in solution and treat the contaminated area.
  4. It is required to gradually clean the dirt with gentle movements from the edges of the spot to the center.
  5. After removing the pollution, it is imperative to wash the garment with laundry soap and then wash it in the washing machine.

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Ways to remove old fat spots

As soon as the fat on the spot froze, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. It may be necessary to repeat the procedure or use stain removers designed to remove stains.

Glycerin heated in a water bath can be an excellent cleaving agent. It helps only when processing the stain in the form of heat. Soak the stain gently with glycerin and lightly rub.

You can remove glycerin from clothes with gasoline. After should wash clothes with stain remover.

If it is necessary to clean old fat from delicate tissues, then sparing measures are required, as there is a chance to damage the tissue.

To the aid will come a solution of ammonia, glycerin and water in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. The stain should be thoroughly blotted with a cotton swab and left for a couple of hours for complete cleansing.

Sawdust soaked in gasoline is also an effective tool. You just need to pour them on the fat and wait until the gasoline is completely dry. After that, remove sawdust and wash clothes.

Purified gasoline is suitable for cleaning clothes from coarse cloth. You should take gasoline from the lighter and wipe the stain and area around it with it to prevent the appearance of divorce. You need to slightly rub the stain from the edges to the center, and then wash the thing with ordinary laundry detergent.

A small video tells the simplest methods of removing grease stains from clothes.

With the right use of tools, it is easy enough to give a new and fresh look to clothes. The main thing is to follow the rules in accordance with the type of fabric and its color.

Watch the video: Housekeeping Tips : How to Remove Grease Stains (April 2024).