Diet on buckwheat with kefir: menu, recipes, reviews

Diet on kefir and buckwheat is very effective for cleansing your body. It is often prescribed by doctors for patients suffering from diseases of the skin, gall bladder or joints. What is the use of these two, not combined at first glance, products?

In buckwheat, a high content of beneficial nutrients. This porridge is very satisfying, so having had breakfast once, you do not want to eat right up to the very lunch time. Finally, it is a dietary product in which there is little protein and carbohydrates.

Kefir is also a dietary product that helps the absorption of nutrients from food and normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines. It is a source of beneficial bacteria that play an indispensable role in the process of digesting food.

As a result, a unique mixture is formed, which has a particularly positive effect on the whole organism.

The diet has contraindications. Crude buckwheat can significantly harm the internal organs in those cases if you have diagnosed with a gastrointestinal tract disease. If you disobey the warnings, there is every chance of getting to the appendage of liver disease.

In addition, the diet itself is aggressive. And the weight is dumped under rather extreme conditions. This should be taken into account and understood.

Diet menu for a week

Hold out on one buckwheat with kefir is not so easy, despite the fact that you need to endure only a couple of weeks. Therefore, in our menu there are various assumptions in the form of other products that help to diversify their nutrition.


  • for breakfast 200 grams of buckwheat cereal and 1 cup of low-fat kefir;
  • at lunch you can make buckwheat cutlets, and then drink all this with kefir - a maximum of 2 cups;
  • You can have dinner with a casserole of cereals, washed down with 1 cup of kefir.


  • You can make excellent bread for breakfast from buckwheat. You can drink them unsweetened tea;
  • for lunch, steam pancakes made from buckwheat and 2 cups of kefir should be prepared;
  • for dinner one orange and nonfat kefir, no more than 1 cup.


  • breakfast starts with 200 grams of steamed buckwheat and mineral water, or with unsweetened tea;
  • for lunch you can 200-300 grams of buckwheat, and then drink all this skim kefir, observing the rate of 1 cup;
  • with dinner everything also. Again buckwheat porridge 150-200 grams and mineral water.


  • for breakfast or pancakes from cereals, or similar bread. You can drink kefir or unsweetened tea;
  • at lunch buckwheat porridge and 1 cup of kefir;
  • for dinner, buckwheat again, but this time you can pamper yourself by making a simple vegetable or fruit salad.


  • for breakfast, you can afford a hard-boiled egg, a little porridge and 150 grams of kefir;
  • at lunch a salad of buckwheat and cabbage, again unsweetened tea and one loaf;
  • In the evening you can make a green salad in addition to buckwheat porridge.


  • the morning will begin with the usual combination of buckwheat porridge and 1 cup of kefir;
  • for lunch it is allowed to add fried grated onions with apple to buckwheat;
  • Dinner - buckwheat cutlets and banana (not more than 200 grams).


  • breakfast - a little buckwheat porridge and mineral water;
  • at lunch a double portion of porridge and 200 grams of low-fat yogurt;
  • for dinner again a double portion of buckwheat, mineral water or unsweetened tea.

Recipes for cooking buckwheat with kefir

There are several ways to properly cook buckwheat with kefir. It's time to consider the most popular ones.

1 way. Take one glass of buckwheat, dry it and start to fry on a small fire. After that, transfer it to the pan, while filling 1.5 cups of boiled water. After that, the pan must be closed with a lid and wrapped with a towel, leaving it in this form until the morning.

If you feel hungry, you need to mix 1 cup of kefir with 2 tablespoons of porridge.

2 way. And again, the porridge must be left overnight. At this time, 3 tablespoons of cereal mixed with a glass of 1% kefir. Then the saucepan is covered with a lid and sent to the refrigerator. And here you have an excellent invigorating breakfast.

3 way. Buckwheat must be chopped using a meat grinder. It is best to use a coffee grinder to get the most fine powder. After that, 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder should be mixed with kefir of 1% fat and leave it all in the refrigerator overnight.

Other diet options

How else can you use buckwheat with kefir for weight loss? In addition to the above options, there are others. They can be divided into traditional, with assumptions and free.

The traditional option is perfect for those who need to lose weight as quickly as possible. This is a severe test, as it is necessary to eat only buckwheat and kefir, forgetting about all the other products.

One cup of cereal, left overnight, should be enough for the whole day.

Buckwheat is divided into several small portions, stretching for the whole day. 30 minutes before a meal should drink a glass of kefir. It is important to ensure that the amount of kefir norm does not exceed 1 liter.

The diet with the assumptions allows you to use not only cereal and fermented milk product, but also other dietary products. On the one hand, life becomes easier, but on the other, losing weight will be harder.

Morning on such a diet begins with 200 grams of cereal, green salad and radishes, and tea cups without sugar. For lunch, buckwheat porridge is added to dried apricots, prunes or raisins, and even kefir. In the evening, everything is much more modest, and only a glass of kefir falls to the woman’s share.

And finally, the third option - a free diet. It is suitable for those who do not urgently need to lose weight. A good choice is when you want to change your body smoothly and without haste, choosing the best option for yourself.

For breakfast, 1 egg is eaten, a small piece of cheese and a glass of kefir, or tea or coffee without sugar. For lunch - 200 grams of chicken breast, 200 grams of buckwheat and a glass of juice. At dinner, preparing a vegetable salad with olive oil and a glass of kefir, or buckwheat, an apple, and wash it all down with the same kefir.

How to get out of the diet and not to gain weight again

The problem with any diet is that after it the weight can rapidly increase, especially if the woman began to eat in the wrong way.

To avoid this opposite effect, you need to "go" with the diet gradually, so that this process had to spend as much time as you spent on the weight loss itself.

And this does not mean that after the release you can begin to eat fatty foods and sweets. On the contrary, you will have to take care of yourself even more strictly than before. To be always slim is daily and hard work.

In order to forget about the return of old kilograms, you must correctly calculate your diet. It is necessary to get rid of buckwheat gradually, adding one new product per day, simultaneously reducing portions to their normal values.

Eating kefir is not necessarily only during the diet. On the contrary, such a good habit will never be superfluous. This will help you learn the right elements from food, which means that it will be easier for you to maintain your weight at a stable mark.

To improve the results in a month you can repeat your culinary adventures. And if there is no such desire, it is enough to get along on a fasting day with the same frequency.

On such a day, we again remember about our favorite diet and during the day we eat one kefir with buckwheat already familiar to us.

Testimonials from those who tried the diet

It's time to find out what feedback our readers have about buckwheat-kefir diet, and whether they have any results.

The diet seemed very simple and effective. All my girlfriends also picked up this idea, and now we are sitting on it all together. And I added salt to buckwheat from myself, but this is more of an amateur; I personally liked it that way more. And I saw kefir rather fat. Maybe I could not lose weight by 7-8 pounds in a week, but I still lost my 4. Infinitely happy about it. I advise you not to lean on other products after the diet, and even better to combine all this with exercise. Only 20 minutes a day, and you are at your best.

Victoria, 20 years old, Tyumen

I personally sat on this diet, so I can give some advice. In the first place can not be cooked buckwheat. It should be steamed at night, ideally, in a thermos. Then it will be possible to achieve a decent effect, and in other cases - time will be wasted. Frankly, I sat on this diet for only 5 days. It just so happened that on the 6th day the holidays began, well, then you understand, you can’t stop the food. But she dropped as much as 4 kilograms, which seemed to me a very good result. The most important thing here is that I did not gain my old weight again, as it often happens.

Alyona, 25 years old, Izhevsk

I weighed all my life within the norm, but once I was blown up to 98 kilograms. This happened primarily because of work, because then I stood at the checkout in a regular grocery store, where products could be taken under my salary. It is clear that if free, then unwittingly take yourself a little more. I wanted to try everything, so 30 kilograms came running very quickly. The first days on the buckwheat diet seemed hell, since the stomach was not used to such a diet. But on the 4th day everything was more or less adjusted. In short, I was enough for 8 days. During this time, lost 11 pounds. So I recommend to everyone this way to lose weight, as it really works.

Christina, 35 years old, Kazan

Additional information about the buckwheat-kefir diet is in the following video.