Medicinal properties and use of golden whiskers

Golden mustache is considered one of the most useful plants, which explains its widespread use in traditional medicine. Studies have shown that culture has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Golden mustache is recommended to be added to tinctures and ointments, as well as used for complex therapy. One should know what indications and contraindications to treatment by such a folk remedy exist and which recipes are considered to be the most effective.

What is the golden mustache

Such a plant as a golden mustache or callisia, is particularly popular among traditional healers and is part of various means. Helps to achieve a positive effect in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive system, struggling with allergic rashes on the skin and diseases of the oral cavity. Often, a golden mustache is used for complex treatment of pneumonia, combating burns of various degrees and for eliminating infectious skin lesions.

In the people, the golden mustache is often called ginseng or kallizia home. Far away Mexico is considered the birthplace of culture, it came to Russia in the 19th century. Often, amateur growers grow a plant at home on a windowsill and use it as a basis for various healing remedies.

Golden mustache can grow up to several meters in height, but at home breeding, usually its height does not exceed 1 meter. The leaves of callisia are wide and large in size, have much in common with corn. A thin mustache can be seen near the trunk, for which the cultures received such a name. During the flowering period, small flowers appear with a rich aroma.

The composition of kallizii includes such useful substances as copper, chromium and iron. In addition, the culture contains flavonoids and steroids, which have a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

The most useful among steroids are phytosterols, which have the following effects on the body:

  • have a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • remove accumulated toxins and slags from the body;
  • contribute to the destruction of cholesterol plaques;
  • have anti-sclerotic effect;
  • help in the fight against cancer.

There is a lot of beta-sitosterol in the golden whisker, which helps to fight the metabolic disorders in the body. In addition, it helps to get rid of atherosclerosis, inflammation of the prostate gland and pathologies of the organs of the endocrine system.

The plant contains such types of flavonoids as kempferol and quercetin. The first component tones the body, strengthens blood vessels and removes toxic substances from the blood. In addition, kaempferol is considered the strongest antiseptic substance and has a diuretic effect. Quercetin is widely used in cosmetology and is highly effective in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.

With it, you can cope with:

  • arthritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • arthrosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • allergic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • pathologies of the heart and cardiovascular system.

In addition, quercetin helps to enhance the effect of vitamin C, therefore, is considered an effective natural immunostimulant.

Growing, harvesting and harvesting raw materials

Golden mustache is an unpretentious plant that is easy to grow at home. For reproduction should use cuttings that are formed on the whiskers. They need to be carefully cut and put in water. After some time, small roots appear, after which it is allowed to plant cuttings in the ground. The culture should be protected from direct sunlight, as the leaves can burn, darken and crumble.

The plant is considered quite unpretentious, in need of regular watering and periodic feeding. Golden mustache must be cut off, otherwise it can grow greatly. In hot weather, plant pots are allowed to stand on the balcony and even planted in the ground. In the autumn, cuttings should be cut for later reproduction, and medicines should be prepared on the basis of the plant. It should be remembered that the processes of the plants have useful properties only if they are taken from an adult bush.

Tincture of golden mustache on vodka

To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to chop the leaves and the stems of the plant thoroughly and pour it with vodka in the ratio 1: 2. The resulting mass is put for 2 weeks in a cold place, then used as a lotion. External use is due to the fact that the stems contain an increased concentration of biologically active components, therefore ingestion of drugs may cause deterioration of human health.

You can mix 15 side shoots and a bottle of vodka and leave the mixture to insist for 14 days in a darkened place. Periodically, the tool must be shaken, in case of readiness, it will become purple first, and after brown. This alcohol tincture should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and taken orally.

How to make ointment and oil from golden whiskers

Oil and ointment from callusia have no less therapeutic effect than other products prepared from the plant. Most often, the oil is used in the treatment of various pathologies of the skin, inflammatory lesions of the joints and muscle strain. In addition, oil and cream of golden whiskers are widely used in cosmetology.

With the help of folk remedies can cope with the following diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • bruises;
  • frostbite;
  • burns;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • trophic ulcer.

To prepare the ointment at home, you can use the following recipe:

  • squeeze the juice from the stems and leaves of the plant and combine it with any fat-containing base;
  • The resulting mixture is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin and rub it until completely absorbed.

In order to speed up the production of juice, it is recommended to wipe parts of the callisia through a meat grinder, and then strain the resulting liquid through a double layer of gauze. On the basis of the formed cake, you can make a light nourishing lotion for washing, which will help to clean the skin of the face from the rash and will have a rejuvenating effect.

To prepare the oil from the golden mustache it is allowed to use any parts of the plant. You must carefully chop the plant and pour it with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 2. The resulting mixture is left to insist for several weeks in a dark place. Cooked oil should be filtered and used to eliminate pain in the pathologies of the joints.

Pharmaceutical preparations

In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made medicines on the basis of such a plant as a golden mustache. Mostly they are intended for outdoor use and are available in the form of ointments, creams and balms.

The composition of medicines may include the following medicinal components:

  • horse chestnut;
  • bee venom;
  • larkspur;
  • chaga;
  • comfrey extract.

In addition, in pharmacies you can buy tablets with an extract of golden whiskers with the addition of components such as burdock root, white willow bark, sabelnik or St. John's wort.

Nutrition during treatment with golden whiskers

Golden mustache is a medicinal plant, therefore, when applying it, you must follow a certain diet. This will allow to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect and avoid the appearance of adverse reactions. First you need to get rid of bad habits.

In addition, you will have to stop using:

  • large amounts of salt;
  • carbonated drinks with sugar;
  • potatoes;
  • animal fat;
  • dairy products;
  • sweets;
  • bakery products.

The diet is recommended to fill with vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts and cheese. In addition, you can use olive or flaxseed oil.


Despite the high effectiveness of the golden whisker in the treatment of various pathologies, in some cases its use can be dangerous. There are some contraindications to the treatment of such a plant that must be taken into account.

It is necessary to abandon the use of golden whiskers in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • prostate adenoma in the acute stage;
  • the tendency of the body to allergic rashes;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the tool.

Despite the fact that the golden mustache is a natural component, it is necessary to use it according to a specific scheme and with exact observance of dosage. Failure to comply with the conditions and improper preparation of medicines may develop unpleasant consequences.

Useful recommendations

When treating pathologies with the help of a golden whisker, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • preparations based on this plant are not recommended to be prescribed in combination with medicines that have a strong effect on the kidneys and liver;
  • treatment using kallisia is not recommended for patients who have an endemic goiter;
  • Usually, a gold mustache can not be combined with antibiotics.

In the event that the patient needs to undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy, then it is best to postpone the treatment with a golden mustache for some time. The use of drugs on the basis of such a plant significantly enhances the effect that the intake of cardiac glycosides gives. It is for this reason that the prescribed dosage must be carefully observed. In addition, it is not recommended to simultaneously take an infusion of kallizii with sleeping pills and sedatives.

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