How to quickly get rid of nits at home?

Pediculosis is a very unpleasant disease that can overtake not only children, but also adults. Moreover, this pathology can "affect" everyone, regardless of status. Moreover, you can bring nits in just a few days, you just need to choose the right treatment.

Where do lice come from, how are they transmitted and who is at risk?

Pediculosis is a parasitic hair and skin disorder that affects almost every third person on Earth, according to WHO. Contrary to popular belief, lice can become infected and follow the rules of personal hygiene. It is easiest to pick them up in places of large concentrations of people, when using someone else's hairbrushes, towels, bed linen.

The risk group includes children attending kindergartens, camps, schools. This is because they are in contact with each other, and the lice very quickly move from an infected person to a healthy one. Adults are also not insured against this disease. For example, if time does not detect a problem in a child, then parents will also be forced to undergo therapy. Detect uninvited guests is quite simple.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • persistent itching;
  • small wounds at the site of bites;
  • nits on the hair.

If your child often scratches his head, be sure to check his hair, paying attention to the areas behind the ears and the back of the head. The earlier lice are detected, the easier the treatment will be. These parasites are quite dangerous, as they suffer Volyn fever, typhus. In this case, itching is caused not by the parasite itself, but by the substance that it releases.

The radical method of struggle - haircut bald

Want to get rid of lice and nits in just 1 day at home? The easiest and most affordable way - this haircut bald. Parasites will not be able to move through the hair if they are shorter than a millimeter. Using this method, for a few weeks will have to sacrifice his hair.

Especially such a solution to the problem is important for boys, who often cut their hair, and such a haircut will not cause them any extra trouble. This option is not very popular among girls, because they do not want to lose their beautiful hair.

Available methods for getting rid of nits

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use the above described radical method of baldness. But there are other solutions to this problem. For example, you can use folk recipes: tea tree, garlic, vinegar, kerosene, and so on.


It is worth remembering that lice do not tolerate the smell of lavender and tea tree oil. Therefore, you can make decoctions with tea tree oil, adding there wormwood, mint, rosemary and rub them into the scalp.

If you are using a hair dye, it is enough just to dye your hair with ammonia.


For many years, kerosene has been used in pediculosis. However, it is worth remembering that this product can cause a strong allergic reaction and burns. To minimize the risk, it is better to purchase clarified kerosene.

There is a very popular recipe: a mixture of one tablespoon of kerosene, two teaspoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of shampoo is applied to dry hair, then a plastic bag is put on your head and wrapped in a towel.

Instead of butter, you can use honey. You need to wait about 2 hours, children - no more than an hour, wash the hair with shampoo, rinse them with a weak solution of vinegar. The procedure must be repeated after three days. And in order to avoid repeated procedures, after washing your hair, you need to carefully comb them with a special comb, which is sold in a pharmacy.


Using vinegar, it is worth remembering that it does not kill nits, but only neutralize the substance with which the insect attaches to the hair. Also vinegar has several side effects. For example, its composition can burn skin, change hair color, make curls fragile and weak.

You can use any acetic acid concentration of not more than 9%. Recipe: take one-for-two vinegar and water, mix, moisten hair with the mixture, tie a bag and towel over the top, hold the mixture on hair for 30-60 minutes.


Any medications prescribed for pediculosis are divided into the following types:

  • those that affect the nervous system of nits;
  • those that deprive them of moisture and air.

The second option is better to choose those who suffer from allergies. Such drugs usually contain dimethicone or mineral oil, they are not absorbed into the bloodstream, have a physical effect on nits. This is ideal for children and pregnant women. Modern medicine offers a huge selection of drugs for the treatment of this disease: sprays, shampoos, ointments, aerosols, solutions, emulsions.

Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion

For adults, an emulsion of 20% is used, for children - 10%.

Instructions for use the following:

  1. The emulsion is applied to the hair, rubbed with light movements into the hair and scalp.
  2. Then the head is tied with a kerchief and left for half an hour.
  3. Then washed the hair under the tap, rinsed with 5% vinegar and again washed the head with shampoo.
  4. To remove any nits you need to carefully brush your hair with a comb.

The advantages of this tool can be attributed to its low cost and good effect, to the downside - a strong smell and a number of contraindications. For example, the use of this emulsion for children under 5 years old is prohibited.


The most famous sprays include:

  1. Paraplus. It is very convenient to use. Spray applied to dry hair, wait a certain time, then wash off. However, their disadvantage is that they do not kill nits, but only remove the substance on which the parasite is attached. Therefore, after washing the spray hair should be as carefully as possible combed. Depending on the situation, certain types of spray are chosen. Here it is necessary to take into account contraindications, you can also consult with your doctor.
  2. With a strong infection is better to use Pedikulen Ultra. For the treatment of children from 2 to 5 years, it is best to use the means of Pair Plus. The instruction is as follows: spray is applied on dry hair until they are completely wetted at the places where nits accumulate. Wait 30-60 minutes depending on the recommendation of the manufacturer. Then, under running water, wash your hair with shampoo. Next, comb parasites comb.


There are many shampoos of pediculosis, for example, Pedilin, Hygia, Knicks. It is advisable to choose the most suitable option that will allow for one treatment to cope with nits. The instructions are simple: shampoo is applied to wet hair, whipped into a foam, wash off after 30-40 minutes with clean water.

However, it is worth remembering that many people may be allergic to such shampoos, so it is better to do a small test: apply a little shampoo on the elbow bend and wait about 15 minutes. If no allergic manifestations appear on the skin, then you can safely use it with shampoo.

Mechanical way to get rid of nits

The mechanical method is the cheapest, but also the most time consuming. It completely eliminates the use of any drugs and cosmetics. To do this, you will need patience, a special comb for combing with thick bristles, a good lamp, a magnifier. The shorter the hair, the easier it will be to cope with the problem. To begin with, wash your hair with regular shampoo.

If hair length permits, secure the hair with a rubber band, separating one strand and combing each one from the roots to the tips. Secure the strands separately with a barrette. Do not forget after each strand to wash off the crest of parasites. To avoid lice on clothes, it is advisable to put a towel on your shoulders. A magnifying glass is needed in order to speed up the process of combing, thanks to a magnifying glass, insects are clearly visible. In this case, before combing the hair should be slightly wet, they also can not be dried with a hairdryer, otherwise the effect will disappear.

Pediculosis is a very unpleasant problem, but you can cope with it at home in one day.

But there are some tips that you must follow:

  • to inform about the disease of all who contacted the infected person;
  • for the period of treatment to minimize contact between family members;
  • to clean the apartment, paying particular attention to beds and chairs;
  • all bed linen and clothes should be washed at high temperatures;
  • if things cannot be washed, they should be hermetically packed in plastic bags and left for 10-15 days.

How to prevent re-infection?

Any treatment must be carried out as thoroughly as possible. It is also important to remember that the likelihood of recurrence of pediculosis is very high. Even a few single nits left in the hair can cause recurrence. In addition, the parasites can remain on clothes, bedding, furniture. Therefore, it is important to do a thorough cleaning of the whole apartment and household items. To minimize the likelihood of relapse, you must:

  • limit close contact with strangers;
  • refuse to use other people's things and hygiene items;
  • conduct a thorough inspection if suspicion of lice is suspected.

Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Get Rid of Super Lice (April 2024).