What ointments will help to quickly get rid of bruises and hematomas in adults and children

Fofan, a lantern, a fingal, a bruise, a bruise - the phenomena are unpleasant, despite the funny names. An internal bruise resulting from a soft tissue injury is not only painful, but also an ugly blue-purple spot on the injured part of the body.

For someone, a bruise can become a whole problem, especially if it appeared on the most conspicuous place. If you need to quickly remove traces of injury, then you can use special gels and ointments. How can a pharmacy remedy a bruise?

How do ointments from bruises and hematomas act and how effective are they?

In order to quickly get rid of the hematoma, you need to choose the right tool and during its application. Depending on the composition of the ointment, the effect on the effects of injury will be different. Accordingly, the effect of treatment with different compositions will be different.

Ways of influence of ointments on the hurt place and their effectiveness:

  1. Cooling. When applying the composition to the damaged area there is a tingling and a feeling of cold. This principle of exposure helps to relieve pain. It improves blood circulation, which contributes to the rapid recovery of tissues;
  2. Irritation and warm. Locally irritating or warming ointments also improve blood circulation at the site of injury, promote rapid recovery. The composition of irritants can be mustard, pepper, snake venom or bee venom;
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect. All anti-hematoma ointments are composed of special substances such as methyl salicylate, indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, which have an anti-inflammatory effect at the site of the lesion, and relieve pain;
  4. Anesthesia. In addition to the above effects, each ointment contains components that reduce the sensitivity of tissues and contribute to getting rid of the pain caused by a blow.
  5. Restoration of blood vessels and capillaries. In order to speed up the healing process of damaged vessels, special components that promote regeneration of vessel walls are added to bruising agents. For example, rutin.
  6. Blood thinning at the point of impact. Components such as heparin help reduce blood clotting rates to quickly remove clots from the bruise.

Resorption of hematomas, bruises and bruises

In addition to the above methods of exposure, for the treatment of hematomas, absorbing agents are very popular. The components of these ointments help relieve swelling, pain and dissolve the seal.

In the compositions of absorbable ointments are used:

  • badyag;


  • heparin;
  • leech extracts;
  • arnica;
  • troxerutin;
  • comfrey.

Like all remedies for treating bruises, absorbable ointments are irritating, warming and cooling.

Seven best ointments for getting rid of bruises and hematomas

A wide range of presented pharmaceutical drugs for external use in case of bruises, hematomas causes confusion among buyers. In order to know what means to use in case of injury, we suggest reviewing the seven popular ointments and gels for getting rid of bruises in a short time.


Gel for external use. Immediately after application, it relieves swelling, blocks the inflammatory process. It has a strong resolving effect. It can be used simultaneously with cosmetics to mask the abrasion.

The cost of the gel: from 105 to 140 rubles.


Painkiller, which not only relieves pain, but treats inflammation. In this case, the ointment removes swelling and promotes rapid regeneration of the skin.

Cost: from 246 to 260 rubles.


An ointment or powder that promotes the rapid resorption of a hematoma. It relieves pain, improves blood circulation at the site of impact. The advantage of badyagi is its biological origin. Due to this, the ointment rarely causes allergic reactions and has a minimum of contraindications. In this case, the tool has a low cost compared to other ointments.

Cost: from 30 to 50 rubles.

Heparin ointment

Budget and effective remedy for getting rid of bruises and abrasions. Reduces pain, relieves inflammation, thins blood for quick removal of clots at the site of hematoma.

Cost: from 35 to 76 rubles.


Universal ointment to combat various effects of injuries and skin lesions. The natural composition of the "Rescuer" helps to quickly anesthetize the hematoma, and promotes healing.

Cost: from 152 to 165 rubles.

Express bruise

Masking agent that contains in the composition of the badyagu. If the hematoma is treated a day after the injury, it will disappear within two days. In case of instantaneous treatment of a bruised place, the ointment prevents the appearance of a bruise.

Cost: from 96 to 120 rubles.


The ointment, which is most often used to combat diseases of the veins and blood vessels, varicose veins. But this tool is also effective in relation to internal bruising. Pain relieves, removes the tumor and contributes to the speedy restoration of damaged tissues.

Cost: from 25 to 30 rubles.

How to remove bruises under the eyes and face

Due to the fact that the skin on the face and especially under the eyes is more sensitive, not all drugs can be used to treat bruises. But what kind of ointment will help to quickly get rid of bruises and hematomas under the eyes and face?

To get rid of the internal bruise on the face will help cosmetic gels and ointments that have a less aggressive composition.

At the same time, such drugs have a masking effect and can be used simultaneously with tonal creams, correctors and powder.

Among them are ointments such as:

  1. Express bruise;
  2. Bruise-off;
  3. Traumel;
  4. Indovazin;
  5. Rescuer;
  6. Troxivasin;
  7. Ambulance.

How to treat hematomas and bruises in children

Children are very active and therefore more often than adults fall, getting abrasions, bruises and hematomas. But not all tools that can be used to treat bruises in adults will suit a child. Since sensitive children's skin needs more natural and gentle formulations.

What bruises and bruises ointments are suitable for children:

  1. Dolobene. Suitable for children from 5 years. Eliminates pain and relieves swelling;
  2. Bruise-off. Suitable for children under five;
  3. Children's rescuer. Natural ointment based on herbs and wax, quickly eliminate pain and relieve swelling;
  4. Finalgon. An effective remedy that will relieve pain and bruises in a short time. But its use is allowed only after 12 years.

Contraindications and precautions

Like any medical drug, each of the ointments presented has its own indications and contraindications.

To take into account the information in the instructions, especially contraindications, it is necessary to avoid more serious problems than the usual bruise.

The lists of contraindications for different drugs will differ, but meanwhile there are general precautions and contraindications for all external gels and ointments.

To cure a hematoma and at the same time do not harm yourself or your loved ones, you need to follow some rules:

  • Do not apply gel or ointment on the affected skin if there are open scratches or wounds;
  • warming agents should not be used immediately after the injury, it is better to apply the gel with a cooling effect;
  • if the pain is severely pronounced, and the injured person hardly moves, then it is best to contact the emergency room for help;
  • Do not use gels during pregnancy and lactation. It is necessary to study the instructions and choose a natural remedy.

Ointments, creams and gels presented in the review are the most common and effective means to combat the effects of strokes and bruises. But not always one ointment will be effective for all cases and for different people, since the causes of hematomas and the structure of each skin are individual. For different cases, the same tool can be both effective and useless. Therefore, before using, be sure to read the instructions or consult a professional.

You can learn more about bruising from the following video.

Watch the video: Home Remedies for Swelling on the Head from an Injury - 100% Working (April 2024).