Cold on the lip: effective methods of struggle

Many people know the word "herpes". But not everyone knows that herpes can appear not only on the lips, but also on other areas of the skin, eyes, genitals. The common cold that occurs in one corner of the lips can often spread over the entire surface of the lips. That is why it is also called "creeping disease". It can be managed with proven and reliable means.

Causes and symptoms of cold on the lip

A cold on the lips is caused by a virus that can live in the body for a long time. In order to acquire this virus, a person does not do anything special. The virus has a contact nature and can be transferred from one person to another through dishes, things, drinking from one cup, while sharing makeup for girls. The manifestation of external and internal symptoms begins when the defense of the body suddenly weakens.

Reduced immunity stability is associated with:

  • influenza diseases;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • increased stress levels;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • in women, by menstruation or pregnancy;
  • adaptation to new living conditions.

Symptoms of cold on the lips can be divided into 2 types.

The first type is external signs:

  • the appearance of bubbles that are filled with liquid;
  • itching, irritation in this area;
  • The skin around the herpes is reddened.

Bubbles can be grouped, according to their feelings there can be several in one place. After a short period of time, the bubbles burst, and the liquid comes out. But its content is not so great to feel this moment.

The second type is internal. A cold on the lips often accompanies the disease of the whole organism.

This means that a person may experience cold symptoms:

  • fever;
  • headache;
  • weakness
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • muscle aches.

Symptoms of the internal type may not be, bubbles in the lips may appear by themselves.

How to quickly cure colds on the lip

Completely cure herpes is impossible. It will be in the body and manifest itself during periods of vulnerability. All that is usually done in the event of itchy bubbles, is to try the available methods in order to get rid of them.

Sometimes colds appear at the most inappropriate moments. Stress can cause this trouble before the wedding, anniversary, important events at work. In these moments, you want to look perfect, so there is a need to find out how you can quickly and effectively get rid of cold on the lips.

There are several means whose nature of action is not entirely clear to the end. But they exist, and each new generation listens to the advice of grandmothers and mothers about what to do in order to quickly get rid of a cold.

  1. Toothpaste has a cooling and drying effect, so the process of inflammation and maturation accelerates as much as possible. A drop of toothpaste is applied to the bubbles and left overnight. In the morning, dried pasta is removed, along with it, the scabs go away from a cold. It is impossible to say that a cold can be cured by applying toothpaste, but you can use this technique as an ambulance tool.
  2. Alcohol or alcohol tincture is used to dry the common cold and stop the spread of the virus further. Too diligent use of alcohol can cause skin burns, so you need to properly dispense tool.
  3. Chicken protein is used to dry the wound and reduce the time of its existence. This method is effective, but it takes time and effort. During the day, you need to process your lips as often as possible, dry them to form a film, remove it and proceed to the next treatment.

What you absolutely can not do when you see

In order to minimize the risk of infecting close people or not to get infected yourself, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • eliminate hugs and kisses, especially with small children;
  • do not use tableware or towels with anyone;
  • stop using cosmetics for a while in order to avoid infection;
  • do not pick and tear off the crusts on the lips, otherwise the cold will spread.

Rapid Drug Treatment

Medicines that struggle with colds on the lips have the same direction. For serious cases of the spread of the herpes virus, a complex treatment is applied, which includes taking pills and applying ointments. If we are talking about eliminating the signs on the mucous membranes of the lips, then applying ointment will be enough.

The basis of drug treatment is antiviral property. Pharmacy chains offer customers several types of ointments.

The most famous of them are:

  1. Zovirax This remedy is based on acyclovir. In addition to the ointment, there are tablets with the same name for complex treatment. Zovirax is well advertised and is one of the most effective ointments for herpes on the lips.
  2. Viru Merz serol. This gel is based on tromantodin hydrochloride. It is effective in severe stages of herpes. They are treated with ulcers and inflammation around them.
  3. Oxolinic ointment. It is an antiviral agent that is often used for the prevention of viral diseases. For colds on the lips, it is used in case of contraindications for the use of stronger drugs.

The rules for applying gels and ointments for this symptom of the virus are different from the generally accepted ones. These medicines should be applied to the lips 4 or 5 times a day. Application can be done with a cotton swab or a clean finger. After the application procedure, wash your hands with soap and water. The first stage of treatment will be 4 days, after evaluating the result, you can increase it to 10 days. If the use of anti-herpes drugs after 10 days of improvement does not occur, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Cold on the lip - treatment of folk remedies

Folk remedies are effective in dealing with colds on the lips. The main thing to remember is that the ingredients used for recipes must be of high quality and fresh.

Traditional medicine, which is used to treat the problem area of ​​the lips:

  1. Fir oil. This remedy acts as an anti-inflammatory and healing. Oil should be treated lips every two hours, as well as before bedtime. This remedy has a minus; there can be a headache from a strong smell.
  2. Propolis in tincture. Cauterizing the lip area 6-7 times during the day will help to quickly get rid of a cold.
  3. Juice Kalanchoe. This plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The juice is squeezed out of the leaves using sterile gauze, and then the juice is smeared with a wound. The tool may not be suitable for those people who experience allergic reactions to plant components.
  4. Mint. It is used to apply lotions. Properties of peppermint in the fight against colds - is the active withdrawal of fluid from the bubbles and the provision of anti-inflammatory action. Mint leaves are brewed in boiling water, insist, moisten a cotton pad with it and apply it to the lips.
  5. A mixture of essential oils of eucalyptus and geranium. Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of oils will help not only get rid of herpes, but also moisturize the skin of the lips.
  6. Melissa. This plant has a pronounced mint smell. It is recommended to use inside as a decoction. This method is used to improve immunity.

Traditional medicine is not suitable for everyone. Allergy to vegetable components is often found among modern residents of megacities.

How to treat a cold on the lip during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women are most susceptible to colds on the lips. The body works for two, the immune system is weakened, and therefore viruses can attack. Pregnant women can safely use those traditional medicine that will not cause them adverse reactions.

Some can not adequately respond to the smell of essential oils, so they should not be used.

Medication during pregnancy should be used only after consulting a doctor. For example, the drug acyclovir is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but can cause an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman.

Oxolinic ointment is completely safe for pregnant women. It is recommended for use even for infants.

Cold Lip Prevention

Is it possible to prevent colds on the lips? If the virus has entered the body, then wounds on the lips will appear in any season of colds and at crucial moments. If this happens often enough and makes life difficult, then comprehensive treatment should begin.

As a prophylaxis, doctors recommend:

  • proper nutrition;
  • playing sports;
  • taking drugs that increase immunity;
  • minimizing communication with an already ill person.

A cold on the lips is caused by a weakened immune system, which may be exacerbated by chronic illness or stress. You can get rid of the symptoms of herpes in a short time by treating the problem area as often as possible. The herpes virus can not be completely cured, but you can remove the manifestation of symptoms with medical complex treatment, and in mild cases, folk remedies will come to the aid.

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