Thrush in women and men: symptoms, photo, home treatment

The scientific name of thrush is candidiasis. This term is understood as the fact of infection with a certain type of fungal infection, and more specifically a yeast-like microscomic fungus of the genus Candida.

This microorganism can conveniently be located on any human organs with mucous membranes, including: in the oral cavity, intestines, urinary tract, vagina.

Thrush - what are its causes in women?

The most suitable option for the development of candidiasis is the shift of the acid-base balance of the vagina to a neutral, or even towards the alkaline.

According to statistics, about 30% of women suffer from thrush, and more than half experienced symptoms. In addition, the occurrence of this disease may occur in representatives of the male half of humanity and in children.

Despite the fact that the thrush itself does not have a special negative effect, it can be considered as a reason to suspect the onset of development of diabetes, duodenitis, gastritis and many other diseases that are actively developing at the time of weakening the body's defenses and hormonal disorders.

In addition, candida itself is dangerous in its advanced form, its chronic form can lead to irreversible complications.

The main cause of thrush is impaired microflora in the whole body or in the vagina. Under these conditions, the remaining amount of beneficial bacteria becomes insufficient to contain an increasing population of fungal infection. In other words, any blow to the immune system becomes a reason for activating the growth of the fungus.

With respect to women, it has been found that the occurrence of candidiasis is triggered by an unbalanced diet expressed in:

  • excessive consumption of sweets;
  • excessive consumption of flour;
  • eating too much fat, etc.

Such nutrition leads to problems with the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which means that the intestinal microflora also suffers, dysbacteriosis occurs, the acidity of the vaginal environment changes. All these conditions are extremely favorable for the occurrence of candidiasis.

In addition, the cause of candidiasis can be:

  • Hormonal disorder.

When cyclically repeated exacerbations of thrush (coinciding with the second half of each subsequent menstrual cycle), we can talk about the likelihood of hormonal disorders.

  • Antibiotics.

Further, antibiotics-containing products can contribute. The problem is that their destructive effect extends not only to microorganisms harmful to humans, but also to those that are beneficial, which means that the microflora of the body is again in a weakened state.

  • Herpes.

An attempt to completely eradicate the herpes virus is absolutely hopeless. However, at the moment of obvious activation, it is necessary to fight him, otherwise he will pull out all diseases for himself in one way or another connected with impaired immunity.

  • Sex life.

After the next intimacy, a woman may well be infected with candidiosis. Despite the fact that men suffer from the effects of the fungus at times less, but quite often they are its carriers. If this is the reason, then for women even repeated treatment will end in nothing. The only way to fix the result of treatment is to actively use contraception.

Thrush in women: types and symptoms

In accordance with the medical status determine the strains of candidiasis of two types:

  1. Caused by Candida albicans;
  2. Caused by Non-candida albicans (strains of this particular category cause recurrences and make the fungus resistant to traditional medical effects).

According to the type of the course of the disease, women also have candidiasis of two categories:

  1. Vulvovaginitis - along with the vulva, the vagina is also inflamed;
  2. Vulvar dermatitis - the disease affects only the skin of the vulva.

Symptoms of thrush can manifest itself very pronounced, or be the other way around very subtle. However, when compared with men, for women the fact of infection becomes obvious almost immediately. They have observed:

  1. Soreness at the time of urination or hygiene;
  2. Pronounced sense of discomfort;
  3. Characteristic discharge.

In the absence of timely treatment and unwillingness to come to the specialist for examination, the disease can lead to a chronic form. The reason for visiting a gynecologist for the presence / absence of thrush can be the following symptoms:

  • painful intercourse;
  • the presence of itching and burning;
  • the presence of cheesy discharge and white bloom;
  • swelling on the walls of the vagina;
  • the appearance of a rash on the large and small sexual lips;
  • cystitis.

Thrush in women during pregnancy

All causes of thrush related to non-pregnant women are equally relevant to pregnant women. However, in the second case, the probability of occurrence of the disease increases several times. Moreover, if before the onset of pregnancy, a woman at least once suffered from candidiasis, then during pregnancy, the chance to avoid relapse is almost zero.

Such vulnerability is related to the fact that at the time of pregnancy the general hormonal background changes dramatically, the amount of estrogen production increases, which in turn increases the production of polysaccharides.

Such an environment is extremely favorable for the growth and spread of yeast.

Also, pregnancy causes a clear deterioration of the immune system. There is a reduced activity of leukocytes in the blood. This is necessary so that the immune system does not force the body to reject the fetus. It is clear that during this period the organism becomes extremely vulnerable and the development of thrush is almost inevitable.

Treatment of thrush in women: drugs

Pharmaceutical preparations for overcoming thrush are presented on the Russian market in the most diverse forms: candles, creams, ointments, tablets. All this abundance can be attributed to two main groups:

  1. Local remedies (ointments, suppositories, creams, vaginal tablets): suitable for the most gentle treatment option, since they do not affect the body as a whole. Accordingly, the treatment of thrush in the mild form, as well as for some cases of chronic candidiasis;
  2. Systemic agents: affect the state of the whole organism, affecting both inflammation and healthy organs. Used only for the treatment of severe forms of the disease, or with frequent relapses.

It is rather difficult to determine how much drugs of one type are more effective than drugs of another type. In each individual case, it is recommended to choose a tool with a support analysis of bacterial seeding.

Treatment of thrush folk remedies for women

The main treatment of thrush should be carried out exclusively by medical means, and folk use only with the approval of the attending physician. As a result, the use of folk recipes is important if:

  1. They are combined with basic therapy;
  2. It is required to consolidate the effect obtained when using medications;
  3. Preventive measures are required.

In general, natural remedies can have an anti-inflammatory, astringent, antipruritic and alkalizing effect. Sometimes local exposure is possible with douching. The main purpose of using folk recipes should be to strengthen the immune system and change the level of acidity in the body.

Treatment of chronic thrush in women at home

If a thrush has already been seen in a woman once, then the probability of acquiring candidiasis in a chronic form is high. It is possible to cause a repeated aggravation in such a situation, even having received a slight overcooling or having changed the brand of gel for intimate hygiene.

In some women, exacerbations occur regularly in accordance with the monthly menstrual cycles.

Pursuing a cure for thrush at home, you must act, observing the following steps:

  1. Clean the mucous membrane affected by the fungus;
  2. Affect the fungus with antimicrobial agents;
  3. Restore normal vaginal microflora;
  4. Strengthen the whole body's immune system.

To restore the normal acid-base environment of the vagina use local preparations, which include licorice root. Upon completion of treatment, it is necessary to restore the microflora using a suppository with probiotics.

Thrush in men partners: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

In most cases, the male body suffers from the same diseases as the female one. This also applies to the development of thrush. Men are less prone to candidiasis only for the reason that, in accordance with the characteristics of their physiology, the male body is less favorable for the growth of the fungus.

The cause of the same disease, as in women, is a weakening of the immune system. In the latent form of the disease, the man acts as a carrier of the fungus, and in acute the following symptoms are observed:

  • penis head and foreskin redden;
  • head swelling occurs;
  • white scurf occurs;
  • itching and burning;
  • painful urination;
  • painful intercourse;
  • red rashes.

If you ignore these problems and do not start treatment, then on the basis of thrush may develop chlamydia, colpitis, mycoplasma, prostatitis and impotence.

For guaranteed disposal of the fungus, men need to use anti-mycotic agents. This group may include creams, solutions or ointments. Any of these drugs must be applied three times a day, and the full therapeutic course lasts a week.

If the disease tries to be prolonged, then oral anti-fungal drugs come into play. Do not forget a hundred before the start of treatment activities, you need to visit a specialized specialist. It is possible that the diseases that accompany thrush and worsen its course will be revealed, which means that first of all it is necessary to direct all forces to the elimination of these associated diseases.

Most likely, taking vitamins, immunomodulators and other medications will be prescribed to strengthen the immunity. It is not recommended to neglect medical prescriptions.

In addition, be sure to check with the doctor not only the appropriateness of taking certain drugs, but also to clarify whether they are suitable for individual parameters, whether they will not cause allergies.

Disease prevention

To protect yourself from the occurrence of thrush, you should regularly and properly monitor the hygiene of the intimate area. This requires:

  • wash every morning and evening (the water should be warm, running, directed from front to back);
  • use only hygiene products specifically designed to care for the intimate area;
  • the use of only proportionate cotton underwear (synthetics contributes to the greenhouse effect and the active spread of the fungus);
  • gaskets have a similar greenhouse effect, so their change should occur at least two or three times a day;
  • taking antibiotics only as prescribed by the attending specialist;
  • limit the consumption of sugar and refined foods.

For more information about the symptoms and treatment of thrush, see the next video.

Watch the video: Medical Information : Home Remedies to Treat Yeast Infections (April 2024).