What can quickly cure colds in the nose?

The causative agent of colds in the nose in children and adults is the herpes virus of the first type. Almost 90% of the world's population is infected with it, but only 5% of the symptoms appear. A cold in the nose can jump out in an adult, child, during pregnancy, but in any case requires competent treatment.

Cold nose: features

Therapy will reduce the symptoms of pathology and avoid relapses. The main reason is a weakened immune system, which can not restrain the virus. Therapy in this case implies a comprehensive treatment, includes local and systemic effects. Herpes is a viral infection that penetrates the human body and, as a symptom, causes the appearance of an inflammatory element on the nasal mucosa, lips, on the surface of the skin.

Pathogenic microorganisms quickly adapt to the human microflora, irritants can penetrate into the spinal cord, if the immune defense does not work. After that, the agents of the virus penetrate into the cells, and the patient becomes the hidden carrier of infection.

Additional provocateurs of pathology may be:

  • overheating or overcooling;
  • emotional shock;
  • hypovitaminosis.

The disease is transmitted by household, airborne, sexually. A cold under the nose is a consequence of the "evacuation" of the virus during the period of progression, which violates the structure of the cells of the living system.

At the site of inflammation appear clusters of bubbles with a clear liquid.

Usually accompanied by burning, itching, severe discomfort. After opening the bubbles remains sore, covered with a crust. Most often the common cold affects the lateral bulges of the nose, the region of the nasolabial triangle.

Diseases are also characterized by symptoms such as:

  • headache;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the affected area;
  • high body temperature;
  • mucosal edema;
  • signs of intoxication.

Hidden carriers of the infection can be children in the womb. According to medical statistics, by the age of three, most people are infected with this virus. As soon as a provoking factor appears, the disease is activated, which leads to the appearance of typical symptoms.

Herpes inside the nose has the same signs as in adults:

  • swelling of the affected area;
  • the appearance of herpetic vesicles - they itch and itch;
  • appearance of ulcers at the site of injury, which heal over time.

How does it manifest itself?

The main symptom of herpes is a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Most often affected lips, skin and nasal mucosa. Rashes have a small size, they are bubbles with a clear liquid inside. The skin around them is slightly reddened, itchy, may be peeling.

The tendency to merge bubbles is indicated in the case of strong rashes. After the bubbles burst, in their place remains shallow erosion, which heals quickly. But at the same time, itching persists for two or three days.

It is worth remembering that the affected areas are the entrance gate for various infections. If a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection, severe inflammation may appear at the site of the lesion, and the body temperature may rise.

The skin in the affected area becomes red, the liquid in the bubbles becomes cloudy, the bubbles themselves become larger in size.

After dissection, rather deep scars may remain. When rashes form on the nasal mucosa, it is very difficult to notice them.

The main symptom is unbearable itching in the nose. Bubbles can be felt with a finger, but not always. In the presence of pimples on the mucous membrane, a person often sneezes, appears sensitive to unpleasant odors and allergens. There may be symptoms of a cold, which do not go away after taking vasoconstrictor drugs.

Pathology diagnosis

It is possible to confirm the presence of an infection using blood test results. If the cold does not go away on its own, causes strong discomfort, it is necessary to contact the attending specialist. The doctor will examine the face for the appearance of rash, especially since herpetic vesicles rarely occur only in one place.

Then the nasal cavity is examined using special mirrors, which allows the specialist to see the bubbles. To identify the virus, analyze the fluid released from the bubbles or a blood test.

It is best to use PCR - an analysis method that allows you to accurately determine the presence of a herpetic virus. Blood ELISA may also be prescribed to detect antibodies to the herpes virus, but this method is less accurate. Additionally, general blood and urine tests may be prescribed to determine the general condition of the body. If the doctor prescribed antiviral treatment, it is necessary to pass blood biochemistry in the future, in order to track changes in liver function in time.

At the discretion of the attending physician may be appointed a number of tests. Since the diagnostic procedure is rather complicated, takes a long time, and the disease in most cases is not too serious, patients go to the doctor only in the most severe cases.

Treatment of cold in the nose with medication

The main way to treat a cold in the nose is to take antiherpetic drugs. At the moment there is no means for 100% recovery from the herpes virus, but such drugs can reduce the amount of virus in the body, remove symptoms.

The most famous drugs include:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Herpevir;
  • Zovirax

Use these funds in the form of tablets or ointment. Tablets are taken orally, 1 piece twice a day. If necessary, for example, if the disease is too severe, the doctor will adjust the dose. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 14 days. Such drugs have a general effect, are the most effective in the fight against the virus.

True, there are some side effects. They are very toxic to the liver, because it is so important to strictly follow the rules of application, regularly tested during the course of therapy.

Antiviral ointments are applied to inflamed areas, as well as to healthy skin, to prevent the spread of herpes.

These drugs act topically, without causing side effects, but they are less effective than tablets.

In addition, if the cold popped inside the nose, it is not always possible to apply the ointment exactly where it is needed. To relieve itching, use anti-allergic pills and ointments, such as Suprastin, Zodak.

And during therapy with their use care must be taken when working with dangerous machinery, motor vehicles. Some of these drugs can cause drowsiness, loss of attention.

Ointments and gels are applied to the mucous with a thin layer, they act strictly according to the instructions. In this procedure, it is desirable to perform not with your hands, but with a cotton swab or medical spatula. It is forbidden to impose on a cold in the nose a little green, iodine, to warm the inflammation. Such measures can cause a greater spread of infection in the body. And before using local preparations it is recommended to clean the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt, to blow nose well.

Be sure to prescribe fortifying agents, such as vitamin complexes, immunostimulants. It is very important to observe the treatment regimen, regularly visit the air, become tempered, pay attention to healthy eating.

For the best effect, it is recommended to combine several forms of drugs. To suppress the inflammatory process, use Viferon gel and Cycloferon tablets. These drugs have antiviral effect, immunomodulatory activity, help in the production of interferon.

Often prescribed antibacterial drugs. After the opening of herpes lesions on the mucous membrane may remain wound. To remove the focus of inflammation, to prevent suppuration, it is necessary to use local antibiotics.

Antibacterial ointments are especially effective:

  • Levomekol;
  • Liniment tetracycline;
  • Celestoderm-B.

To prevent the spread of infection, it is recommended to lubricate not only the center of inflammation itself, but also the healthy skin around it. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage specified in the instructions, the frequency of use. Also, before treatment, it is recommended to ensure that there are no allergies to the components of the drugs.

Recipes of traditional medicine

To supplement traditional medical treatment, to make it more effective, it is recommended to use recipes of alternative medicine.

The main goal is to restore the affected tissues, reducing pain, swelling and inflammation. Quickly get rid of a cold on the nose will help:

  • pure agave juice;
  • propolis tincture;
  • onion juice;
  • tea tree ether.

The above drugs are applied to the inflammation 2-4 times a day. In addition to local drugs, you can take inside a variety of immunostimulant decoctions and infusions based on:

  • Hypericum;
  • rosehips;
  • lemongrass.

Traditional healers for colds recommend making the next effective cream, which has a pronounced antiviral and antibacterial effect, moisturize the mucous membrane.

To prepare the ointment, you must take:

  • 100 ml of live yogurt;
  • 1 head of minced garlic;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of brewed coffee, honey, flour.

All must be thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator.

The medicine is applied to the inflamed area in the morning and evening until the symptoms disappear. You can also deal with colds with sea buckthorn, almond, burdock oils. And with their help lubricate the mucous to remove crusts.

Some tips and advice

Cold treatment has some rules and limitations:

  1. You can not touch the bubbles with your hands, rub, crush them.
  2. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to limit the circle of communication, use separate dishes, towels, and other hygiene items.
  3. It is necessary to use drugs clearly according to the instructions, otherwise the effect of their use may be insufficient.
  4. Balance the diet by increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables.
  5. For the period of treatment, it is recommended to give up bad habits, to normalize sleep patterns, to avoid stress.

Features of the treatment of children

In general, children are treated according to the above scheme. The difference lies only in the choice of drugs, frequency of use, dosage. Many of the above drugs for children are prohibited.

Therefore, alternative medicine is the best alternative to medical treatment.

So, to cure a cold in the nose of a child, you need to regularly lubricate the damaged area with vegetable oil, propolis, aloe juice. But the essential oils are better not to use, because they can aggravate the course of the disease, cause allergies.

It will help to cope with the herpes virus and taking antihistamines. Most importantly, they should be prescribed by a doctor.

You can reduce symptoms by smearing Fucorzin’s nose. This solution dries, has an antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to use it at least 5 times a day. With this tool you can prevent the spread of the virus, heal the affected tissue.

After treatment, a moisturizer or vegetable oil is applied to the skin. This will avoid draining the mucous membranes, eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

If herpes has frequent relapses, it is required to contact an immunologist and undergo a full examination. It is also necessary to make an immunogram, since this procedure allows us to objectively assess the condition of the child, prescribe the necessary medications.

Features of treatment of pregnant women

During the period of childbirth, the mother's body is subjected to serious stress, resulting in reduced immunity. Therefore, during pregnancy, the activity of this virus is often noted.

For a fetus, primary herpes infection (especially in the first trimester) is much more dangerous than relapse of pathology.

For this reason, all women who register are issued a referral for examination, which will establish the presence or absence of viruses. If there was an infection in the early stages, the expectant mother should drink interferons, vitamins, be treated with folk drugs.

If the cold has popped up in the later stages and does not go away, the patient may be prescribed topical antiviral ointments and gels, for example Zovirax, Zinc liniment.

The above preparations are as safe as possible for women during the carrying of the child. To reduce itching and burning, antihistamine medications may be prescribed.

Watch the video: Ear & Sinus Problems : How to Stop a Runny Nose (April 2024).