What happens in the 13th week of pregnancy from conception

13 week of pregnancy is considered the most favorable period for the woman and the fetus. The threat of miscarriage at this time is less, so the pregnant woman put on record. But it's not time to relax. The future mother needs to monitor nutrition, exercise and maintain a correct lifestyle.

What happens to the baby

During this period, the child's body undergoes serious changes:

  1. The formation of muscles and bone tissue;
  2. Insulin production by the pancreas begins;
  3. The digestive system is actively developing. Villi are formed on the intestinal walls, which are important for normal digestion;
  4. Formed baby floor. Instead of the genital tubercle, a penis or clitoris is formed, and germ cells or the prostate gland develop;
  5. The heart begins to pump more blood;
  6. There are bookmarks milk teeth;
  7. The body increases in size. the child during this period has a size of 8 cm and weighs up to 25 grams;
  8. The movements become orderly;
  9. The child sleeps less time than before;
  10. The fruit begins to react to the outside world;
  11. Formed the ability to distinguish between taste and smell of food, which consumes the mother. Right now, the child learns to distinguish between products, favorite miles disliked in the future;
  12. The fetus learns to swallow, suck, gape, can smile or ape.

At week 13, the expectant mother should begin to communicate with the child. This time is considered the calmest, so you need to spend it with benefit.

Changes in the body of the future mother

13 week is considered the most peaceful and undisturbed during the entire course of pregnancy. The body has become accustomed to the new situation, the hormonal background has stabilized, nausea has passed. A woman during this period must take measures so that stretch marks do not appear, swelling and no constipation disturbed.

You can also do your wardrobe, as the waist expands and the stomach begins to gradually increase. It is necessary to choose a bra, for good support of the breast, which will still grow, and before the birth of the child will become more by several sizes.

Together with the child grows the uterus. At week 13, it rises higher and occupies the entire hip part of the body, gradually moving towards the abdominal cavity. Because of this, the pressure on neighboring organs increases, which is accompanied by heartburn, shortness of breath and other unpleasant sensations.

The gynecologist will now measure the bottom of the uterus at each examination. Increased uterine tone at this time can cause nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

If this symptom bothers often, then this should be reported to the doctor who will prescribe candles or other means to alleviate the condition.

You can get rid of rare pains if you take some rest. In order not to increase the tone of the uterus, a woman to give up weight lifting and wearing high-heeled shoes. Also contraindicated to be nervous.

Discharge and pain at week 13

If there are painful sensations in the abdomen, accompanied by bleeding, you should consult a doctor and go to a medical facility to prevent bleeding. In this case, you should avoid any motor activity.

A woman may be disturbed by such problems:

  • in the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, the uterus and the muscles that support it begin to stretch. It causes discomfort in the side;
  • if the body lacks calcium, then the expectant mother may suffer from leg pain and cramps. For such problems, you need to enter into the diet more food containing this element.

Changes also occur with secretions. They acquire a liquid consistency, and their number increases. This is normal, but only if there is no foreign smell.

In the presence of cheesy red, brown, gray or green, accompanied by itching, irritation, and burning, you should consult a gynecologist, since these signs may indicate the presence of an infectious disease.

This is a serious threat to the course of pregnancy.

Bleeding is considered to be frequent for week 13. They may appear as a result of:

  • placental abruption or presentation of the placenta;
  • hematomas after sexual intercourse or examination by a gynecologist;
  • neoplasms;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • contusion of the abdomen when falling.

Not all causes of bleeding are dangerous for the child, but it is better to determine the cause of the problem and go through an ultrasound examination to check the condition of the fetus.

Analyzes and examination, photo of the fetus

An important and responsible procedure at week 13 will be ultrasound. This is the first ultrasound of the mandatory.

With its help, the vital signs of the child are evaluated, the presence of defects is checked, screening is conducted to identify chromosomal abnormalities. It determines the duration of pregnancy.

A woman needs to pass such tests:

  1. A study to determine the level of progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin;
  2. Plasma protein assay

These studies are prescribed for all pregnant women. According to their level, they check whether pregnancy is proceeding normally, and whether there are no genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

With the help of tests can detect a cessation of development, defects, negative Rh factor.

Also prescribed:

  • test for HIV infection, hepatitis B, venereal diseases. Blood for these studies is taken immediately upon registration, since such pathologies can lead to pregnancy complications. Therefore, in the case of a positive result for the woman will establish a special observation;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor. If the expectant mother has a negative rhesus, and the husband has a positive one, the pregnancy should be observed more closely, since there is a high probability of Rh conflict;
  • general and biochemical blood tests. These analyzes create a complete picture of the woman’s health status;
  • general urine analysis. It must be taken at each visit to the doctor to monitor the condition of the kidneys;
  • surrender of a vaginal smear. With its help, the state of microflora is evaluated and checked for the presence of infections.

All the procedures a woman must undergo.

Possible hazards at this time

The probability of miscarriage at week 12 and 13 is reduced, but the threat is still there. Therefore, a woman should follow the lifestyle and nutrition.

When calcium deficiency develops varicose veins, and a lack of vitamin D can cause the development of rickets in a child.

In addition, the danger of 13 weeks is a high probability of developing thrush for a woman.

This disease is manifested by itching, pain in the vagina. The fungus that causes the disease is present in the body in many women and can be activated due to hormonal changes and weakening of the immune system. Therefore, at the first sign of a problem, you should consult a doctor.

Doctor's recommendations

A woman during pregnancy should follow these recommendations:

  1. Eat right. The diet should contain vitamins and trace elements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is necessary to eat only healthy food cooked by yourself. Regularly need to eat meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts. At week 13, the future mother may be bothered by constipation. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to use more products containing fiber;
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited in any period of pregnancy. These substances will negatively affect the development of the organs and systems of the child. Therefore, there are no safe doses of alcohol. Through the placenta to the baby penetrate all the substances that the mother takes, so everything that can harm the fetus must be excluded;
  3. Drink more fluids. This is necessary to increase the amount of blood and maintain a normal volume of amniotic fluid;
  4. Regularly walk in the fresh air;
  5. Avoid overeating. This will lead to deterioration of health and overweight. Better to avoid baked goods and foods high in sugar;
  6. To do exercises to improve the tone of the muscles of the vagina;
  7. Attend courses for pregnant women. It is advisable to do this with her husband.

Many women worry that sex can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and try to refrain from it. This is not worth doing.

Sex life is contraindicated in cases of miscarriage or feeling unwell. In other cases, you can not deny yourself in proximity, moreover, that under the influence of hormones, sexual desire increases in pregnant women.


  1. At week 13, all organs and systems of the child are actively developing. Formed floor;
  2. The uterus increases, so the woman may feel discomfort in the form of pain in her side, constipation;
  3. Need to pay attention to the selection. If they change color or smell unpleasant, it is important to report this to your doctor;
  4. At this period, appoint the first ultrasound, which assess the condition and development of the fetus;
  5. The risk of miscarriage is no longer high, but there are other dangers. It is a thrush and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  6. In order for the child to develop normally, and no complications arise, the woman should eat healthy food, avoid any harmful substances that can harm the fetus;
  7. Sex is contraindicated only in the case of poor health or with the threat of abortion. In other cases, to refrain from sex is not necessary.

A little more information about the 13th week of pregnancy can be found in the following video.

Watch the video: My Beautiful Baby 13 Weeks (April 2024).