Strong hair falls in women: causes, diagnosis and treatment

The beautiful, dense braid since ancient times served as a sign of a healthy body and a source of pride in most nations. With the deterioration of the ecological situation in the world, many women have a problem associated with alopecia - pathological hair loss.

However, sometimes panic is unnecessary, and seeming non-stop loss is a variant of the possible norm. In this regard, it is necessary to find out what the causes and extent of the disease.

The rate of hair loss

Sometimes women observe increased hair loss, so there is a feeling that the volume of dead hairs is huge, the mood deteriorates, there are thoughts about the disease.

But in order to accurately assess the situation, it is necessary to count the hairs that fall out every day. It is possible that a woman only excessively thinks up the situation, while the number of lost bulbs does not exceed the norm.

Science has reliably established that the number of follicles on the head depends on the pigment - melanin in the hair color. In blondes it reaches 160 thousand, brunettes and brown-haired on the second and third place - 110-120 thousand, redheads - on the last - 80-90 thousand.

Another equally important factor - the thickness of the hair, has a directly proportional value - red hair - with the thickest rod. Thus, nature as if compensates for each of its actions.

The life of any hair is divided into clearly defined cycles:

  • a growth phase that ranges from three to four years and is the most common;
  • transitional stage - the process of dying off of locks begins;
  • the final stage, the resting stage - the cells are gradually restored, after three or four months the cycle will be restarted.

Bulb loss is acceptable for women with red hair - 80 pieces daily, with dark pigment - 100-120 pieces, for blondes - 150 pieces.

Simple hair loss test

In order to understand whether the state of the hair is pathological, it is necessary to test how strong the process is.

First, you should carefully consider the end of the hair shaft, if the bulb looks bright and healthy, then there is no reason to panic - there are no dermatological and other diseases.

After it is necessary to be patient, not clearing the scalp for about two days, and before bathing carry out the following manipulations: clasp the strands, hold the palm three times in different parts of the head, and then check the result, after putting it on paper.

The amount of lost hair should not exceed fifteen. If more is found, then it is worth contacting a specialized specialist - trichologist for advice.

Why hair falls out very strongly: causes in women

Factors affecting hair loss are varied:

  • changes in hormonal levels due to pregnancy, postpartum adjustment - associated with the predominance of testosterone when carrying a boy, an imbalance of male and female hormones;
  • with sudden changes in temperature regimes - after heating with a hairdryer or irons, for those who like to walk without a headdress during the cold season;
  • many drugs have corresponding side effects, in particular, antibiotics, vasoconstrictor drugs, antidepressants that are quite common in use;
  • avitaminosis is a seasonal occurrence occurring in spring or summer;
  • lack of minerals as a result of malnutrition, excessively strict and incorrect diet;
  • anemia, lack of iron in the body leads to the fact that he begins to "save" on the hair, storing important substances for vital organs;
  • improper cosmetics - shampoos, hair conditioners can dry or irritate the scalp, cause an allergic reaction;
  • circulatory disorders, lack of blood supply due to cardiovascular disease, osteochondrosis;
  • hairstyles and manipulations that lead to the fact that the skin is not enriched with oxygen: dreadlocks, taut tails and pigtails, chemical curls, hair extensions.

One way or another, pathological hair loss in a woman can be a sign of a very serious disease, so you should consult a trusted specialist for advice.

Methods for the diagnosis of hair loss in girls

An experienced specialist, as a rule, will refer the patient to a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • blood tests - general, biochemical, for iron content;
  • trichogram, as well as spectral study of the scalp.

If diseases of a different competence are identified as a result of a blood test, the trichologist will issue a referral to a specialist of another category - an endocrinologist, a dermatologist or a therapist.

Spectral analysis of the hair allows you to study its "mineral history", since as the rod grows, it feeds on the lymph, blood, fixing the composition of the substances obtained during the growth.

Different groups of people have both the risk of an oversupply of trace elements, and the risk of their lack. Deficiency is characteristic of growing organisms, pregnant and lactating, athletes suffering from depression, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, dieters.

The surplus is among those living near harmful enterprises, or people in chemical professions.

Spectral analysis should be carried out correctly: first cut four strands on the back of the head, get a bundle 3 mm thick and about 5 cm long, then put everything in a paper bag, marking the ends and send it to the laboratory.

In this case, two weeks before the analysis, you need to switch to a softer shampoo. The imbalance identified will help prescribe the correct treatment, the necessary vitamins.

Trichogram is a study of visual, through a special magnifying glass. It is of two types - with and without photography. The trichogram allows us to identify the condition of the skin and the follicle, the percentage ratio of "sleeping" and "awake" bulbs, the number of hair ready for hair loss, and the stage of alopecia.

A phototrichogram using a special program allows you to calculate the number of rods per square centimeter, the percentage of the ratio, and even the rate of hair growth.

It also becomes possible to assess the density of the rod, whether there is inflammation and peeling. According to the results, the trichologist will be able to diagnose - alopecia (if the loss is truly pathological).

There are three types of this disease:

  • focal - loss of cover on a certain part of the head with qualitative changes in the structure in a nearby area, is local with an oval bald patch, partial - if the foci are combined into one, a complete loss over the entire head;
  • diffuse - even loss with depletion of hair remaining around, most often associated with hormonal problems;
  • androgenetic - on the part in women.

What to do if a woman’s hair starts to fall out badly: general recommendations

To combat the disease, you should calm down and turn to a competent specialist who will help diagnose and choose a method of treatment. At the same time, general recommendations, regardless of the reasons, will be unchanged:

  • refusal of bad habits - alcohol, smoking, which can not have a positive effect on beauty;
  • building a proper regimen, a woman needs to get enough sleep - 8-9 hours a day;
  • walking - about an hour in the fresh air;
  • Do not overheat or cool the head, wear hats according to the season;
  • do not create complex hairstyles, do not traumatize hair with chemical curls, curling hair;
  • massage your head with special rollers, laser comb;
  • eliminate the cause of stress, do not let the nervous exhaustion of the body;
  • to diversify the diet, make sure that vitamins B, C, D, E, calcium, iron are present in the right quantity, for which meat, animal protein and seafood should be included in the list of products.

Traditional medicine for hair loss

Official medicine recognizes medicinal and hardware treatments for alopecia.

Among the drugs emit:

  • Minoxidil - a special solution for application to diseased skin, which is contraindicated in pregnancy. The effect can be traced only four months after application;
  • steroid drugs - highly active compounds of biological origin, which are injected into the body, on the basis of testosterone;
  • Pantovigar - vitamin supplement in the form of capsules that strengthens the hair;
  • Fitoval - comes in the form of a shampoo, vitamin remedy, contains zinc, iron; contraindicated in pregnant women.
  • homeopathic remedies: potassium sulfate, phosphoric acid, selenium, potash.

Healing procedures:

  • darsonval - exposure to shock on the hair follicles, is a method of physiotherapy;
  • cryomassage - critical temperatures improve blood circulation in the vessels;
  • plasma lifting - a method based on the action of platelets, which start the process of cell proliferation, actively influences the growth of hair follicles, stimulates the growth of the rod; is a fairly natural method, safe for health, a small amount of blood is taken from a person and processed in a centrifuge; does not cause allergies, do not need to do anesthesia, as with transplantation, pain relief occurs only at the request of the patient; has a lasting effect;
  • Transplantation - when severe hair loss in women at the last stage, is the process of transferring donor follicles, an expensive procedure.

Treatment of folk remedies

Common in hair treatment and home treatments. The most popular are oil masks: with burdock, egg yolk, nettle and onion.

Onion mask

It will need honey, mayonnaise, olive oil, onion juice.

All ingredients need to take one tablespoon and mix until smooth, then apply the mask with a comb, massage the roots well and hold it for an hour on the head, then rinse using baby soap - so the oily base is washed off faster.

Mustard mask

Mustard provokes blood flow to the follicles, the skin becomes hot and the penetration of useful substances into the bulbs is actively stimulated. Hair grows faster.

However, the mask must be applied in compliance with safety regulations, since mustard irritates the mucous membranes, it is impossible for it to get into the eyes. And to keep the mask longer than the set is also unsafe.

To prepare the mask, you need to prepare the following mixture of dry mustard, two spoons of some vegetable oil, sugar and one yolk, all in a one-to-one ratio.

Mustard mask can be applied only on the basal space, otherwise there is a risk of dry hair, and the tips - smear almond or burdock oil. So mustard will bake badly, it is better not to overpower yourself, but to sit with a mask depending on your personal portability.

The head should be wrapped with a plastic bag and a towel. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

Mask with Cognac

Cognac mask has a regenerating effect of hair, for its manufacture you will need a spoon of brandy, a spoon of vegetable oil of any origin and one yolk. All of the above should be well mixed, massaged, causing, starting from the roots. After the hair is well processed, you need to create a "steam effect". Wash off the mask with shampoo after an hour.

Rinsing hair with herbs is also a popular measure in traditional medicine. For example, infusions of birch leaves, hop cones, nettle, St. John's wort, chamomile, burdock root, Altea, Cheremitsa and calamus.

Beer has a beneficial effect on hair growth, especially when heated. Unusual infusion of yellow caps on beer.

Also, the bulbs are warming compresses with parsley and aloe, hands massage the roots.

In this case, special attention should be paid to allergic reactions and not to experiment too.

The following video provides additional information on why hair falls out.