How to cut your hair evenly

Today, wanting to change the hairstyle, you can just go to a hairdresser or a beauty salon. However, it is not always possible: no time, no money, maybe a lot of other reasons. In addition, there are experimental girls who themselves like to test new hairstyles on themselves. In any case, it will not be superfluous to know how to cut your hair yourself.

A few helpful tips before cutting your hair.

Before you get started, carefully read the following tips to help you avoid trouble and unexpected results after cutting:

  1. If you decide to start cutting yourself, then try first to cut your husband or mother, of course, the best practice is on the "strong field": any flaws can be removed with a machine, and men are not as worried about their appearance as women. Whatever haircut you choose, you need to start with a moisturizing hair: you can wash or use a spray. Curls carefully combed.
  2. Deciding to do a complex haircut, do not forget to divide the hair into 4 parts: 2 temporal, lower and upper nuchal. You should not immediately shear a large number of curls - leave the stock, this will allow you to correct mistakes, adjust the length of hair.
  3. The cutting technique is as follows: a well-moistened and combed-out strand is fixed between the fingers, adjusting the required length and starting to cut.

You also need to buy the following tools:

  • scissors, which should be professional, not household. Yes, their cost will be higher, but at the same time you will make the haircut of the highest quality. Additionally, you should purchase filler scissors;
  • combs, with different shapes and sizes. Looking for brushes for combing hair, combs with sparse teeth, a comb with a long tip, which is required for separation into partings;
  • hairpins needed to fix the strands. It is best to take special hairdressing pins;
  • mirrors, and preferably two at once, in order to see the hairstyle both at the side and behind;
  • a spray bottle that is required to moisturize the hair. Of course, they can be wetted, but in this case the risk of cutting off the excess part of the strands increases, since wet hair is strongly drawn in length.

How to cut your own tips

To work at home, use our following instructions:

  1. Dampen your hair thoroughly so that it becomes straight and smooth, it will allow you to better see what needs to be cut. Comb the hair.
  2. Use a tape measure or ruler to determine which length you want to remove.
  3. Separate the head of hair in the middle. Take the front strand in front: you will be guided by it later. Lock it and trim the desired length. Do not forget to trace whether the cut is even, if necessary, correct it.
  4. Start cutting other strands until you have removed the tips all the way around. And always be guided by the "beacon" - the first strand.
  5. Comb your hair and inspect it for irregularities. If there are flaws immediately correct them.

If you have curly hair, it is cut just below the required length. When working with hard or thick curls you need to divide them into small strands, which will avoid irregularities.

Self haircut cascade

The cascade hairstyle is very popular with girls, so many would like to try to make it at home. However, it should immediately be said that it is quite difficult, requires a lot of time and effort, but if you do everything according to our scheme, the result will please you.


  1. Comb your hair, decide on the size of the "cap", because it depends on where the haircut will start from.
  2. Take a small strand in your left hand, scissors - in the right, point them down (i.e. we will cut from top to bottom).
  3. Lightly press down on the scissors' handles and slowly move along the length of the hair. Try to carry out everything smoothly, sliding on the curls. At the same time watch your movements, so as not to cut off too much hair.
  4. When you reach the end of the strand, proceed to the next part of the hair, having done similar actions.

There is another version of the cascade hairstyle: comb all the curls forward, collect in the tail so that it is almost on the forehead. Decide on the cut length, measure it with a ruler.

Do not forget to also measure the length of the tail, this will avoid errors.

Take the end of the bundle in your left hand, carefully remove the excess length with scissors. Do not forget to profile the cut with a special tool to make the haircut look natural. After that, dissolve the hair. It will remain just to comb them and once again carefully examine, so that there are no irregularities.

There is one important recommendation: if you decide to use this method, you should not shear the tail horizontally - use scissors to give the strands a different shape and length.

Making beautiful smooth bangs

After you make your haircut yourself, you can try to make a beautiful bang. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Determine the part of the hair, which will bang. Do not forget to adjust its width and thickness - the width should be equal to the width of the forehead.
  2. The remaining hair, so that they do not interfere, fix with a clip.
  3. Moisten the curls, comb and on the line just below the eyebrows, begin to cut.
  4. In order for the blades to slide smoothly and gently, you need to hold the hair at an angle of 45 degrees. Cut best from left to right.

Comb the bangs, look at the presence of kinks - if they exist, you need to tweak them by holding the scissors at a 90 degree angle. You can also profile curls using special scissors.

Method for long hair

Cutting long strands is more difficult, but it can also be done at home. The result will surely please you if you follow our tips:

  1. Comb all your hair and twist it (the tighter the better).
  2. Cut off the hair of the desired length, and you need to do all the work in front of the mirror to see the result: keep the hair straightened in the tail, keep it exactly above your head.
  3. Release the curls and comb them again.
  4. Twist the hair again, but in a different direction.
  5. Remove sticking out curls out of strands.
  6. Once again comb and give your hair the desired shape.

As you can see, mowing your hair at home is not so difficult, the main thing is to purchase a high-quality professional tool.

Watch the video: HOW TO CUT YOUR OWN HAIR STRAIGHT (April 2024).